Should I ?

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Here's another chapter for ya'll ! Enjoyy

Emma's POV

" It's nothing. " I left the room. I texted Ruby to meet me in front of the hospital.

I took her to the garden when she came.

" Hey, what do you wanna talk about ? " she sat beside me, " It seemed urgent. "

" I just feel like you need to know first before anyone else. " I said and she tilted her head.

" About what ? " she asked and I looked up to her.

" Austin, he asked me to get back together. He explained everything. " I said sadlt and she looked at me, confused.

" That's a good thing right ? Why do you look so sad ? " she questioned me and held my hand.

" Killian, Killian accidentally kissed me. " I said and her confused look turned into a shocked one.

" Well, who do you wanna be with ? " she finally came up with something to say.

" I'm not sure. That's the problem. " I looked at my shoes.

" Just focus on your brother first. We'll talk about this when he's all better, okay ? " I nodded at what she said.

" I have to go now. " she stood up and waved goodbye as she left. I waved back.

I walked towards August's hospital room when Belle pulled me back. I explained everything to her since I already told Ruby.

" Should I give him a chance ? Killian ? " I asked.

" It's your choice, you're the one dating. But I'm you and you're me, I'd go with Austin. Don't ask why. " she said and took me into the room.

" By the way, what's your little brother and sisrer's name ? " she sat on the couch and I did the same.

" August named the boy, Henry and I named the girl Quinn. " I looked at August. I hope he gets his memory back soon.

" Those are nice names. " she smiled.

" Emma ? " I faced her.

" What if August likes another girl ? " her eyes started to water but the tears didn't fall. I hugged her tightly.

" That's hard to say but I don't think it's possible. " I felt her nod. I let go and make her look at me.

" Don't you dare to cry. You wouldn't want August to see you that way, would you ? " she chuckled and I smiled.

August's POV

I woke up and I saw Emma and Belle talking, Belle looked like she wanted to cry and Emma hugged her.

" Don't you dare to cry. You wouldn't want August to see you that way, would you ? " I heard Emma said to her when they released from the hug. She's my girlfriend and she desperately needs me but I don't even remember her.

" Come on, let's get some fresh air. " Emma said and took Belle outside.

As soon as they left, I sat properly, trying my best to bring my memories back.

Emma's POV

I took her outside of the hospital and we sat on the bench.

Austin came by and stopped in front of me. I looked up at him but said nothing. He looks like he wants to say something but he can't. He looked at Belle and walked away.

Belle likes to be comfort by people she knows and is close with and if they don't she would start throwing tantrums.

She stood up and screamed which made Austin stop ins his tracks.

" You ! You don't deserve Emma ! She deserves someone better ! Like Killian ! " she blurted out loudly. Luckily there's no one around. I argued with Belle softly.

When Austin turned, he charged towards Belle, his gaze not leaving her.

" What the heck did you just say ? " he said in a quiet yet scary tone.

" I said, you don't deserve Emma. She deserve someone better. " she repeated loudly leaving the part about Killian. She dosen't look scared but I know deep inside, she's trembling with fear.

Austin raised her fist, about to punch her or at least looks like it but I know he's not going to do it. He's just waiting for me to stop him.

" Stop ! " I shouted. Finally stopping him but the words that came out after that, I regret it a lot.

" You know what ?! Maybe Belle's right, maybe I don't deserve you ! I don't want my boyfriend to hurt and punch my best friend. " I pulled Belle towards the hospital. I saw Austin staring at me, shocked. I started tearing up.

What have I done ?

I hope you like this chapter.
Vote/comment. Xx

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