iWant more Viewers

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All rights go to Dan Schneider except Olivia.  


Olivia's POV 

I was watching iCarly and they pranked Lubert! They called him and blew a airhorn in the phone making Lubert freak out.  

Lubert is the nasty doorman with a wart on his face. He is a major jerk. Once I was sneaking 10 candy bars into the apartment and Lubert stole my candy that I bought with  my own dad's money. Yeah, MAJOR SKUNKBAG. 


I walked down from my room and Carly made her special spaghetti. 

"Hey your guys web show was pretty awesome tonight", dad started. "I love that you zoomed in on Lubert's wart, I wonder what would happen if you squeezed that thing, maybe some Luberty goo would flow out". Dad said. 

Freddie put his meatball down and had a discusted  look on his face. I put my fork down, in other words, I lost my apatite. 

Then Carly, Sam and Freddie said that there web show needs more viewers. 

So they made a contest. Then Sam had to say something. 

"I'm on Carly's team". Sam announced. "Woah, she said each no teams". Freddie told her. "But each sounds like a lot of work". Sam replied. 

"Relax buddy, I'll be on your team". Dad told Freddie. "I got time". He said. 

"Your not still dating that girl"? Sam asked. I rolled my eyes. "No she only liked me for my socks". Dad told her. 

"That's weird". Sam said. I shook my head. "Is it"? Dad said and put his foot on the table and pulled his sock up showing them Sockos  special socks. 

"Okay then, Liv you can help both teams". Carly told/ordered me. "Yeah sure". I said and ate more pasta. 

Then Freddie had an idea that the losing team has to touch Lubert's wart. At least I'm not on a team. I can't touch that ugly thing. 


After school. I walked home by myself and saw no one home. 

So I ran up to the third floor. I found Carly and Sam inside with markers drawing on a big piece of paper. 

"Oh, Liv, come an help us work on an iCarly sign". Carly told me. 

I went over and started helping them draw the iCarly sign. 

"So why are you guy making this thing"? I asked while coloring in a big C (for the record I draw better than most 6 year old's). 

"Well we were watching Seattle Beat and you know the people outside the window with the sign's? Well we are going down there and hold up the sign for everyone to see". Carly told me. 

"I had the idea of watching TV". Sam told me. Carly smiled and rolled her eyes. "Makes sense". I muttered to Carly. 

When Carly and Sam left I went downstairs and watched Seattle Beat , to see if the sign really worked. I know it won't because it is supposed to rain. 

I saw dad and Freddie with a big TV in the kitchen. I ignored them an watched TV. 

Turns out I was right. The rain made all the colors wash away. All that hard work, washed away. 

I laughed a little and turned to the boys. Dad just to Freddie that he shouldn't play with the wires. 

But then, he shocked himself. I sniffed the air and it smelled like BBQ. 

Then they began to carry the sign. But dad got a phone call and they leaned it up against the couch. 

Freddie then made it fall on top of us. The sign was heavy. 

"Freddie, Freddo, come on lets go". Dad called out for Freddie. 

Freddie put his hand above the sign and whispered a help me. So dad helped us out. Then they were out the door. 


On iCarly, dad's and Freddie's sign went all wacky, making a big car accident. In the end it ended up saying pee on Carl all in yellow. I laughed really hard at that. 

Later that night Carly, Sam, and Freddie were reading the comments on iCarly. 

Then the doorbell rang. I went over to get it. When I opened it there was two cops there with dad in handcuffs. 

"Does he belong to you"? One of the cops asked. "Yeah". I said and the cops unhandcuffed dad. 

"Do you have any lotion"? Dad asked one of the cops. "No, and next time you cause one of the biggest traffic accidents in Seattle history, you will be arrested". The cop told dad. 

"What were you thinking? telling people to pee on Carl". The cop told dad. "Look, I'm sorry officer, Carl". Dad said reading the cops name. 

Then the cops left and then came back to rub the fact that officer Carl had lotion, strawberry melon.  

In the end no one really lost the bet and no one had to touch Lubert's gross wort. 

Then we went to dinner and bought some strawberry melon lotion for dad. 



Might be a while before I update. I have to wait for the episode  to come on, or I have to buy it. 

Cali 🎆 

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