iMeet Fred

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Olivia's POV 

Tonight on iCarly they first played Sam, Carly, Freddie, my dad, me, and Sam's Grandmother J'mam ma doing that thing that horses do, oh be honest you know you've done it before. 

Then they played a bunch of FRED videos. 

Freddie then decided to voice his opinion  on the FRED videos. 

He said he doesn't think FRED is all that funny.  

I've learned in my 7 years of living, that sometimes people should shut up and not voice their opinions because some people don't care about someone else's opinion. 

"I found my meatball." My dad yelled from his room. 

"Your what?" I asked as he ran out in the living room with a huge meet ball in his hand. 

"It's a magic meet ball, see you ask it a question and shake it and it tells you what to do and think." My dad said. 

Ok, he's insane. 

"Dude that's a bit weird, taking advice from a 'magical' talking meatball." I told him. 

"Hey one dude became rich with one of these things." My dad told me. 

"Good luck with that." I said as he ran up the stairs to show the others. 


The next day when I came home from school I found my dad asking the magic meatball what he should drink. 

The meatball rejected everything good and said he should drink ketchup. 

So I went to my room and saw that FRED posted a new video called FRED Is Dead. 

That can't be good. 

I clicked it. 

"Hi everyone if you watch iCarly then you heard Freddie Benson say he doesn't think my video's aren't funny, so I'll just stop making video's, internet I click you goodbye." FRED said and I turned the video off. 

The next day Freddie came to the apartment and complained about how kids at school have given him and the others problems because of Freddie's opinion on FRED. 

"Gibby just texted me to go to a site called never watch iCarly. com." Carly said. 

"That can't be good." Sam said as Freddie went to find the site. 

"I know it can't be good." Carly said. 

So then we looked at the site and only 300 or something people joined his site. 

Then Freddie kept refreshing the page and the numbers kept climbing drastically. 

Then the elevator opened and my dad stepped out with an ostrage next to him. 

"What'cha got there?" Carly asked. 

"A smoothie." My dad said putting up his smoothie. 

I slapped my hand to my forehead.

"She meant the gigantic bird." I informed him. 

"Oh this is Marvin the ostrage." My dad said. 

"Let me guess you're magic meatball told you to?" Carly said. 

"Yes." He said and took Marvin in the kitchen. 

There was another knock at the door. 

I went and opened it and a bunch of paparazzi bombarded Carly, Sam and Freddie with questions.

They were mostly about the FRED Fight but one person asked how many times Sam has been arrested.  

Once they got pushed out my dad screamed and ran into the living room holding his pants. 

"Marvin bit my pants." He said. 


So Carly emailed Lucas (the FRED guy) to try to stop the FRED Fight. 

And here I am sitting in the living room while my dad has an important art interview. 

When the dude asked if my dad wanted to have his sculpture in a show my dad walked over to the kitchen and pulled out his meatball. 

"Oh come on." I said and banged my head on the table. 

The meatball kept saying no. 

"That's it, you're not magic you're just a mean meatball." My dad said. 

"Finally." I said as he trashed the meatball. 

Then the guy from the art show ran out of the apartment after Marvin came out of my dad's room. 

After he left Carly, Sam and Freddie came down. 

"We need you to drive us to Idaho." Carly said. 

"Why?" I asked. 

My dad looked up in thought for a second. 


So we all pilled in his car and went to Shelby, Idaho. 

In the car ride Carly said that Lucas agreed to meet them. 

Once we got there we went to the tree house where Lucas lived. 

The other's climbed the ladder and I was the last one to go up, and my dad was taking his sweet time. 

Then he fell down and took me with him.

Then a gigantic dog ran toward us and I screamed and ran for the car. 

My dad wasn't as lucky. 

I watched as he tried to climb up the ladder to the safety of the tree house, but the dog pulled him back down. 

After a minute Freddie came falling out of the tree house followed by Sam. 

Sam got the dog off my dad. 

In the car ride back Carly said that Lucas wanted a fight because he wanted both iCarly and FRED to get more popular. 

Then Carly, Sam, Freddie and Lucas all made a FRED video together. 

My dad and I had a second in it, with Marvin. 

My dad was standing beside him and I was on Marvin's back.  

They played it on iCarly after Freddie and Lucas made up and ended the FRED Fight. 

The video was awesome. 


Hi guys. 

Hope you had a good Christmas. 

The next episode will be iDate a Bad Boy 

See ya 


Olivia ShayUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum