iDream of Dance

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Olivia's POV 

Carly and Sam walked me home from school and when we got home I went up to my room. 

That night on iCarly, Sam and Carly asked people to send in video's of themselves dancing.  

The next day I walked downstairs and saw Carly, Freddie, Sam, and my dad in the living room. Dad was talking about a strange dance he invented called the firecracker, apparently it's an explosion of floppy passion.

"Hey, help me find me helmet and shin guards". Dad told me and we went to his room and began looking around for his helmet and shin guards. 

"Oh, here's that biscuit with cheese I lost last month". I heard my dad say and put the moldy biscuit up to his mouth. 

"Don't eat it". I said walking across the room and hitting it out of his hand. 

We continued to search for the helmet and shin guards all night and at around midnight I ended up falling on dad's bed and going to sleep. 

 After I think was an hour dad got me up by yelling, I  found it I found it in my ear. When I opened my eyes he had his shin guards and helmet on. 

He ran out of his room and I yawned and groggily walked after him. 

When I got out to the living room I saw him crash on the couch. Freddie then left and Carly and Sam went upstairs to Carly's room. I yawned and went upstairs to my room and went to sleep. 

That night I had a really weird dream. 

I dreamt that I was dancing with my friend Amya in the school hall way and when we got out to the parking lot there were people dancing on top of cars and on top of buildings. 

In the morning I woke up and shook my head to clear it. That was a strange dream. 

That day I also leaned that my dad, Carly, Sam, and Freddie had weird dancing dreams to. 


  I know it was a short chapter but it is what it is. If you guys have any fanfiction ideas for me I'll gladly write them. I already got another one for the Astronauts. 


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