iSpy a Mean Teacher

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Olivia's POV 

Carly, Sam and Freddie walked me home and they were talking about spying on their teacher Miss. Brigs for an iCarly bit on what mean teachers do when their not in school. 

Carly, Sam and Freddie say that Miss. Brigs is the meanest person alive. My dad said that too because Miss. Brigs used to be his teacher too, Miss. Brigs must be old then. 

Once dad's date got here I went up to the iCarly studio where Freddie was walking to the door with a plastic piece of pie that had a camera lence on the side. 

"Why do you have a plastic piece of pie with a lence in the side"? I asked Freddie. 

He groaned and went downstairs with his fake pie. 

When Freddie came back up Sam left. Carly is taking me with her and Freddie to Miss. Brigs apartment because I'm small and can't be seen as much. 

Once we got to Miss. Brigs apartment it was just so boring. 

So when she was vacuuming a bee came around and began busing around. 

Freddie began swatting at it but ran into Miss. Brigs apartment. 

Carly and I ended up following him in. After a minute Carly and I tried to get Freddie out of the apartment but he wouldn't budge. So we ran and hid in Miss. Briggs closet. 

"You know it's not so bad in here, just me and you, in here, alone". Freddie said to Carly making me want to vomit. 

"I'm in here you know". I said informed Freddie. 

"We are in a serious situation here, this is no time for you to bust a move". Carly told Freddie. 

Carly then peeked out of the door then quickly came back in. 

"What is she doing"? Freddie asked. "You don't want to know". Carly told us and I scrunched my nose. 

After ten minutes Carly peeked out the door again. "So many leg lift's". Carly muttered after closing the door. 

"I think I found a light switch". Freddie said and turned on the light's. There was Randy Jackson stuff everywhere. On the walls and shelves and a life size cut out of him in the middle of the room. 

Carly covered Freddie's mouth to prevent him from screaming. 

"Guys, am I hallucinating or are we surrounded by 2,000 Randy Jackson's"? Carly asked us. 

 "Why does Miss. Brigs have all this stuff"? Freddie asked. "Well if you want to be obsessed with an American Idol judge you might as well pick one who is firm but fair". Carly said and Freddie and I nodded. 

Freddie stepped back and the cut out of Randy Jackson started talking. "Yeah dog you did your thing". He/ it said. 

"Shhhh, do you want Miss. Brigs to hear us"? Carly asked Freddie. "I didn't say it, Randy did". Freddie said pointing at Randy. 

"She's coming". I said after taking a peek out the door. 

I turned off the lights and we all ran and hid behind the cut out of Randy Jackson. "That was hot yo". Randy said. "Please be quiet Randy Jackson". Carly said. 

When Miss. Brigs opened the door she looked weirdly at Randy Jackson. "Good afternoon Randy Jackson". Miss. Brigs said coming closer. 

"Is there something you'd like to say to me"? Miss. Brigs said and pressed the button that makes Randy talk. "We got a hot one tonight". Randy said and Miss. Brigs blushed a little. "Oh RJ". Miss. Brigs said. 

Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now