iScream On Halloween

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This chapter isn't really normal, sorry if you were wanting something different. 



Olivia's POV 

Today is Halloween, one of the best days of the year. 

Why? Because I get candy Duh!!!!! 

Right now I am in my room getting ready to go trick or treating with Amya and her dad. 

This is my costume: 

This is my costume: 

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Yeah, it's awesome. 

I walked down stairs with my pink glow in the dark pumpkin bucket for my candy. 

I saw my dad scooping pumpkin guts out of a huge pumpkin, and I mean HUGE pumpkin. 

"Hey dad, I'm going to Amya's now." I said as his head came out of the pumpkin. 

"Ok, be safe, and don't forget if you have an opportunity to chose sizzle rocks then get me some, please." My dad said. 

"KK." I said and went out of the apartment. 

My dad's favorite candy is sizzle rocks, because he likes the sound they make when they are in his mouth. 

I love all candy, but if I had to pick an absolute favorite it would be Crunch Bars, they crunchy and chocolatey.  

I knocked on Amya's door and was met with this: 

I knocked on Amya's door and was met with this: 

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"Wow, you look great." I told Amya. 

"So do you." She said. 

"I mean my dad said we couldn't get boys but I think we've got a chance of at least one flirting with us." I said. 

"Yeah, but my dad might scare them away." Amya said as her dad came around the corner dressed like a werewolf. 

"You can bet on that." He said. 

Amya's mom has to stay here and hand out candy to the kids that live in Bushwell plaza. 

I hope my dad bought some, the kids in this building can be violent, honestly me too. 

So Amya, her dad and I went to Widman Tower (another apartment place) but those people give big candy bars out, and the adults have a weakness for little kids, and not to brag but I have pretty good puppy eyes. 

While we were walking through the fifth floor we were watching iCarly. 

It was so funny that Amya and I could barley stand. 

Sam, Freddie and Carly decided that they would go to apartment 13B, it's supposed to be haunted. 

And while they were in their they were getting their butts scared off. 

By the seventh floor our buckets were full to the top, so Amya's dad drove us back home. 

On the way I told them what happened to me on the way to the bathroom. 

So here's what happened: 

So I was walking to the lobby bathroom, because that was the only public bathroom in this stinking building. 

Anyway, when I got their a boy dressed in a Ron Weasley outfit, and it was good, right down to the bit of dirt on his nose that he had in first year. 

He winked and me, yes he did, I am not bluffing. 

When we got back to Bushwell Plaza we saw a huge pumpkin being pushed by a bunch of children toward the ocean, and the weirdest thing was that the pumpkin was screaming. 

When I went up to my apartment I saw Sam, Carly and Freddie there. 

My dad wasn't there though. 

"Hey, nice webcast tonight." I said with a laugh. 

"Ha ha ha." Carly said. 

"Oh, you guys are watching the back to back Zoey 101 and Drake and Josh marathon." I said and went to join them. 

"Can we have some candy?" Carly asked, stopping Sam from taking some without asking. 

"Sure, just don't take sizzle rocks or crunch bars." I told them glaring menacingly at them. 

Later that night my dad showed up and told us about his weird night with the kids rolling him into the ocean and the firefighters saving him. 

In the end he decided to rest with 3 packs of sizzle rocks. 



Hi guys. 

Even though my Qoutev account is supposed to be all Harry Potter. I was thinking I could do a Nickelodeon one where you see what Nickelodeon ship would be your parents. What do you guys think? 

Oh and what is your favorite candy? 

Mine is Milky Way. 

Next one is iHave a hot room 


Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now