iWill date Freddie

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Olivia's POV 

On iCarly tonight they had a thing called the blab cam. First they had a guy from Poland on then a girl named Valarie came on and asked Freddie out on a date. 

After iCarly, Freddie, Sam and I were in the kitchen eating some watermelon when Mrs. Benson came in holding some clothes. 

"Mom what are you doing". Freddie started before Mrs. Benson interrupted him. "This is your first date, with a girl". Mrs. Benson said as Freddie tried to stop her from embarrassing him and Sam, Carly and I were holding our laughs in. 

"How did you know about the date"? Carly asked. 

"I watch iCarly because I'm worried about your posture, looks like someone forgot our little rule".  Mrs. Benson told Freddie. 

"What rule"? I asked and Freddie told his mom to go away. 

"Freddie tell them the rule of standing up straight". Mrs. Benson told Freddie who sighed. "You won't get respect if your backs not erect". Freddie said causing Carly, Sam and I to burst out laughing and Sam spit watermelon on Freddie. 

"And I already have the perfect outfit for you". Mrs. Benson said. 

"I'm not sure if I'm even going on the date". Freddie said and everyone told him he was going. 

"There is a living breathing girl out there that wants to go out with you, this may never happen again, unless Carly changes her mind". Mrs. Benson said looking at Freddie then at Carly. 

"No, Freddie and I are just friends". Carly told her. 

"Why won't you love my son"? Mrs. Benson asked Carly. After a minute of regaining control of herself Mrs. Benson moved on. 

"I already have the whole date planed out first I'm going to cook a fat free dinner and then we are going to look at some of you baby pictures, Freddie had the cutest little bottom". Mrs. Benson told Freddie. 

Carly, Sam and I laughed again at the part about Freddie's butt. "Okay I'll pay you a thousand dollars for one picture of Freddie's butt". Sam said. 

"Mrs. Benson we already told Freddie he can have his date here". Carly told Mrs. Benson. 

"Why here"? She asked. "Because my brothers a great cook". Carly said. "Yeah he's gonna make us his special". Freddie said. "Spaghetti tacos". Carly said and everyone looked at her like she was crazy. "What noddle's can't live happily on a hard corn shell"? Carly asked. 


The next day I was siting in the iCarly studio watching TV because Valarie is coming over for her and Freddie's date tonight. 

After a while the doorbell rang and Sam and Carly came up. 

Sam turned on a camera so we could spy on Freddie and Valarie's date. 

Carly said no at first but ended up spying with us. 

"We are bad people". She said. 

During the date Freddie made a lot of nerdy jokes that none of us could understand and dad ate all of the pudding. 

The next day Carly got a text from Freddie that he quit doing iCarly. 

So Carly waited for Sam to get here before going over to talk to Freddie. 

When Sam got here her and Carly went over and Sam threw Freddie out of his own apartment and he crawled over here. 

He ditched iCarly to go do a show with his new girlfriend Valarie. 

Valarie is really starting to get on everyone's nerves. She such a skunk bag, I know dad doesn't like me to say that but who cares. 

Two days later Valarie tried to steal Sam to get her to be on her new web show. She is also using Freddie. 

That night Freddie came back to iCarly because Valarie admitted that she was just using Freddie and tried to get Freddie to convince Sam to be on her show. 

After iCarly we watched a little bit of Valarie's show and it was terrible first the TV wouldn't work then the TV fell on her. 

"I don't know what to do now". Valarie said awkwardly. 

"I do". Freddie said and clicked the computer off and we continued to eat watermelon 


If you liked this story see my other fanfictions, And after I finish another of my fanfictions I will start a Victorious fanfiction. 


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