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Olivia's POV 

On iCarly tonight they showed just how gullible Freddie is. Sam made Carly sent Freddie a fake email telling him that yesterday was clown day at their school. So the next day Freddie wore a clown to school and Gibby got it on video. Yeah, Freddie Benson is the most gullible person on Earth. 

The next day when Carly and I got home from school Carly is tutoring a boy that lives in our building, his name is Chuck and he is two years older than me. 

Right after Chuck went to use the bathroom, my Dad walked in, he just came back from the grocery store. 

"Here's your pork roast and your chicken pot pie". Dad said, handing Carly a pork roast and me a chicken pot pie. 

"I asked for an orange". Carly told dad. "And I asked for a banana". I added. "Who was I talking to"? Dad wondered out loud. 

Then Chuck came out as dad was messing up Carly's hair. Dad screamed and grabbed a chair and pointed it at Chuck. 

"Him, your tutoring him"? Dad asked Carly. "That's Chuck". I informed dad from my spot on the counter. "I know that's Chuck he's my arch nemesis, one time he tried to hit me with a racket ball racket, hit me, then another time he locked me in the basement and squirted me with suspicious liquid". Dad said and I shook my head, he's off his nut. 

"I never did that stuff". Chuck said steeping toward my dad making him garb a bowl and held it up like he was going to hit chuck with it.

Carly pulled dad into the kitchen and told him that Chuck is a good kid and that my dad needs to go take a bubble bath. 

When I went into the fridge I heard dad scream, so I turned around to see him pointing at Chuck. 

After that I went up to Amya's apartment and we did our homework. 

When I came back down I saw Melony, Sam's twin, in our apartment. "Hi Melony". I said and went over and hugged her. "Hi Liv".      

"Really, you too". Freddie said from across the room where he was holding scissors. I looked confusingly at Carly then back to Freddie. 

"He thinks that Sam is making up Melony". Carly informed me. I shook me head and Melony, Carly and I went to the domiplex. 

After 10 minutes Sam showed up and rolled her eyes at Melony. After a few hours Carly and I went back home. 

The next day after school Carly, Melony, Sam and I went to the Groovy Smoothie. Sam sneaked out of detention to come. 

When Melony went to the bathroom Freddie walked in. He still thinks Melony is fake. 

Sam got a call and had to go back to detention because Miss. Brigs saw she ditched. 

Then after Sam left Melony came back and Freddie asked her out. 

"I'm a geniuses". He said. "Why"? I asked him. "Because Sam would rather chew broken glass than go out with me". Freddie said. 

"Your going out with Melony". Carly told him. "What ever, you can think I have a date with Melony, but I know I have a date with Sam". Freddie said then took a sip of his smoothie which he imediently spit out. "I've got a date with Sam". He said, shocked and grossed out. 

So Carly and I went back upstairs because she has to tutor Chuck tonight. 

She was in the middle of it when Freddie walked in and asked us which shirt Sam would hate most, Carly said the striped shirt. 

"Hey, maybe when I'm older I can go on a date with you". Chuck said and I nearly laughed my tounge out. 

"Don't waste your time kid, I've been barking that tree up ever since 6th grade". Freddie told Chuck. 

After Freddie left dad came out of his room screaming and when he got in the living room he was holding his motorcycle helmet and had some weird red goo on his hand.   

He accidently splattered some goo on my head, so I went upstairs and took a long shower. 

The next night when Melony and Freddie were on their date. Sam and Carly were on the couch hitting a balloon and discussing their haterid of Q. 

Then Chuck and his dad came and Chuck failed the math quiz because he invented a weird number called dirf. Then dad gave Chucks dad a brochure to math camp. 

Then dad went to take a victory bath and Freddie came in. Sam told Freddie that Melony was fake and that we couldn't fool him. 

Melony came and we all went back in the elevator. 

"How could you make out with Freddie"? Sam asked her twin. 

"I think he is cute". Was Melony's response.

"I can't believe you two are sisters". Carly said. "Me either". Sam and Melony both said at the same time. 


I started season two because it would have been a long wait to finish season one. 

Question; I have a few fanfiction ideas, chose the one you like most. 

1. Victorious, Beck x OC 

2. Drake and Josh, Drake x OC 

3. iCarly after Carly comes back, Creddie style 

4. iCarly after Carly comes back, Seddie style 

Don't forget to check  my other fanfictions. 

Cali 🎆

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