iMove Out

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Olivia's POV 

Tonight on iCarly they fashioned up Gibby's dog Grubel's. 

Then Mrs. Benson came on and made Freddie eat his Asparagus. Then she started signing a sing about big boys eating their vegetables. Poor Freddie. 

The next day at school Freddie got picked on about his asparagus issues. 

Then his mom showed up and embarrassed Freddie by showing his baby pictures. 

When they got home Freddie, Sam and Carly opened a pet photography business and I was in the web studio watching the cute puppies and kitties. 

Then my dad came in and I ran up to him. 

"Dad can I please have a puppy, please, please, please"?!!! I asked him on my hands and knees. 

"No and don't try puppy eyes on me". He said and went to talk to Sam and Carly. 

Then two guys with a cat came in and ordered everyone who doesn't work and live here out of the room. 

My dad tried to pet the cat but the guy holding it slapped his hand. 

"Distance". He said and my dad ran behind Sam and Carly. 

Then they introduced themselves as the petographers, they photograph peoples pets. They said that they warned us and then backed out of the room mysteriously. 

"Wow, they back out of the room". My dad said. 


The next night my dad, Sam, Carly and I went ice skating. 

A weird guy kept bumping into Sam so she jack slapped him in front of his kids and we all got banned from the frozen oval. 

When we opened the door we saw the petographer guys walking down the stairs. 

They ran back up stairs while my dad chased them up. 

We heard him screaming and he ran back down the stairs with Harmoe the cat on his face. 

While their cat was beating up my dad's face the petographers made a break for it. One of them went and grabbed Harmoe off my dad's face then left. 

Carly and Sam went upstairs probably to check on their studio and I stood over my dad who had scratch markers all over his face. 

After I helped my dad on the couch and gave him some bandages Carly and Sam came down and told us that the petographers trashed the studio. 

The next day the cops came over to investigate the studio. One of the cops was officer Carl, the cop that my dad made a sign that said Pee On Carl about. 

"So what do you want us to do"?  Officer Carl asked. 

"We want to arrest the petographers for vandalizing our studio". Carly said. 

"But tazze them first".  I said. 

"Yeah". Sam said. 

"Tazze them hard". My dad said. 

"What's wrong with your face". Officer Carl asked my dad. 

"I told you their possessesd cat did this to my face". My dad said. 

"Harmoe, he's just a pussy cat". Officer Carl said. 

"Wait, how do you know their cat's name"? Carly asked the cop. 

"Are you friends with them"? I asked. 

"I know them, they took some wonderful pictures of my daughters bunny for free". Officer Carl told us. 

"Why didn't they charge you"? Carly asked. 

"Because I'm a cop and the petographers don't charge cops". Officer Carl said. 

"That's wack". Sam said. 

"So that just means that they can come in here and trash our studio and get away with it"? My dad asked. 

"Watch the attitude, I haven't forgot about pee on Carl". Officer Carl said and gave Carly a ticket. 

"Why are you giving me a ticket"? Carly asked. 

"That car has no license plate". He said. 

"It's a prop". Carly told him. 

"So are you". Officer Carl told Carly. 

"Now please show us out". Officer Carl said and my dad escorted them out. 

Then Freddie came in and showed Carly, Sam and I to his new apartment. 

Freddie moved out of his mom's apartment because she kept embarrassing him in public and treating him like a five year old. 

I saw it and backed right back out again. 

It was dirty and had no toilet, I didn't want to know what he used for a bathroom, and it had a big wheel next to it. 

Later that night Carly, Sam and Freddie went to vandalize the petographers studio. 

When they came back I learned that they failed miserly. 

Then after about 10 minutes Sam walked in. 

"Where have you been"? Carly asked her. 

"I had to get something on my way". Sam said and pulled Harmoe out of the bag she had. 

So then they emailed the petographers telling them if they want Harmoe back they have to fix Carly, Sam and Freddie's studio. And if they call the cops then they'll shave the cat. 

So the next day the petographers came in a fixed the iCarly studio. 

I put Harmoe in my dad's bathroom in case he walked in. I'm a little evil. 

Then apparently  Harmoe went out the window. 

We all went to Freddie's apartment where he could see Harmoe. 

"He never acts out like this". One of the petographers said. 

"Acts out, he just tried to murder my face". My dad said and we all looked at him thinking the same thing. That my dad gets Harmoe to attack his face so we could get him back in. 

"No ............... Okay fine, move". My dad said and climbed outside the window and tumbled onto the floor. 

The petographers picked up Harmoe and ran out. 

When we got my dad up we all jumped as the big wheel turned. 


Okay everyone, I've been busy. 

I just made a Harry Potter Quotev account. And I'm making a Drake and Josh fanfiction that will hopefully be posted by this Friday. It's called Fallon (Drake Parker). 


Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now