iGot Detention

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Okay so, iCarly is having their 50th web show spectacular tomorrow night. 

So right now I am at home with Carly, Sam and Freddie. 

Sam got detention today and the other's were not happy. 

We all were about to eat some popcorn. 

"Did you guys know that doctors say that popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks you can eat". I told the others. 

Then Sam came over with a big cup of yellow stuff. 

"Wo, wo wo, what is that"? Carly asked Sam, pushing away the yellow stuff. 

"A half a cup of melted butter". Sam said and moved the butter to the popcorn. 

"Don't poor that over the popcorn". "It's filled with fat and calories". Freddie and Carly said. 

Sam looked down at the butter. "Don't drink it". Carly said and Sam set the butter down. 

"Hey, why don't we kidnap Howard and tie him up until the show is done"? Sam suggested, making Freddie, Carly and I roll our eyes. 

"What have I told you about kidnaping"? Carly asked. "It's illegal and rude". Sam said.  

Then the elevator door opened and we all turned around to see who it was. 

It was my dad, who had a wheel barrel full of golf balls.  

"Where have you been"? I asked him. 

"I was down at the golf course getting golf balls out of the big pond to sell to make money for a new sculpture of a gigantic coffee cup". Dad said. 

"Why"? Freddie asked. 

"You know to symbolize that some coffee cups are". He started and gestured. "I'm going to take a shower". He gave up and ran to his bathroom. 

I remembered I had math homework, so I ran up to my room to get my blue and purple laptop. 

When I came back down I saw dad come out of the little hallway with a towel around his waist and holding a fish. 

"You'll never believe where I found this fish". He said and held the fish up. I shuttered. Poor fish. 

Later that night Carly came up to me when I was getting ready for bed. 

"Hey, you got into trouble a few times". She started. 

I sighed. It was true, I got in trouble for hitting the fire alarm with a dodge ball during gym class and activated the sprinklers. And another time I kneed a boy in his zipper, dad was mad at me for that one, I got my laptop taken away and had to pose for a boring sculpture.

"True", I said. "Okay how hard is it"? She asked. I sighed and started to explain stuff to her, like how easy it is if you don't think about it and just do it and how hard it is if you want to do it and think about the consequences.

Turns out the iCarly 50th web show spectacular is probably going to happen from detention. 


So the next day when Carly, Sam and I got home we saw a gigantic coffee cup. 

"Man, when Spencer said he was building a gigantic cup of coffee he wasn't kidding", Sam said. 

"DAD"! I yelled. 

Then a splash was heard from above us. "Up here". Dad said waving from the top of the coffee cup. 

"Is that thing filled with coffee"? I asked. "Yeah", dad said. "Spencer that's crazy". Carly said. "It's decafe". Dad said. 

"Why are you in it"? Sam asked. "Well, I filled it all with coffee and I dropped my phone in there, so I've been trying to find it for the last two hours". Dad informed us and went back down. 

When he did that, coffee splashed out and landed on me. 

"Wow, I wished that hadn't happened". I said while Carly and Sam began snickering. 

So I went upstairs and took a long shower to get the coffee out of my hair. 


iCarly tonight was awesome. 

Their teacher Mr. Howard got in trouble for calling the principal a weak, spineless fool. And they had turtle races and lucky them had burritos. 

When Carly, Sam and Freddie got home we all got into dad's big coffee cup and swam around. 

Dad's phone rang and he held it up to show that he found it. 


Sorry it took a while to update, happy late new year.


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