iPromote Tech Foots

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Olivia's POV 

I went downstairs when I heard the door slam. I saw dad holding a bag. 

"Where have you been"? Carly asked. "Canada". My dad said. 

"I thought you were just going to the art museum"? Carly asked. 

"I was but then I fell asleep on the bus and ended up in Canada, I am so done with public transportation". Dad told us. 

"But I did get some Canadian bacon while I was there". He said and went into the kitchen. 

"I don't think it's fair to blame the bus for you sleeping". Carly said. 

"No it's not just that, last week on the bus a hobo spilled chili on my shoulder then continued eating it with out a spoon". He told us. 

"I was born on a bus". Sam randomly said and we all looked at her oddly. "My mother's not good at plaining". She continued. 

"Aww this is just sliced ham". Dad said coming over with a piece of Canadian bacon/ham. "How dare those Canadian's pass this this off as bacon". He said and slowly ate it. 

Then Carly got an email from Daka shoes telling them to meet them at their office later today. 


So the next day after the meeting Carly came home with a bunch of bags and she was singing. 

Then Freddie came over and showed Carly and I his new laptop that makes a cool sound when you open it. 

And after that while dad was going out the door with his new home made bike that I'm sure will break. Sam walked in with a lady right behind her.

"Oh guys this is Sonya my personal chef". Sam said after a minute. Then she told Sonya to make Carly, herself and I some grilled cheese sandwiches.

So that night on iCarly they showed the new tech foots. 

So I went out and bought a pair from the store across the street. 

The next day Carly and I were walking to school when Carly stepped in a puddle and the tech foots shocked her. 

I untied the tech foots from my feet and threw them into some old lady's yard. Luckily today was roller staking day so I just roller skated to school. 

After school Carly, Sam and Freddie went to Daka and complained about their shoe. 

But they said that they had to keep talking about the tech foot on iCarly. 

But if they keep talking about the stupid shoe then they are gonna lose viewers. 

So that night on iCarly they showed us how to poke holes through the tech foot with your toes. Then how to wipe your hard drive with the shoes. Then how to toast your feet and wennies. 

Later that night the people from Daka came over and threatened to sew Carly, Sam and Freddie. 

Then they called in my dad who had a glowing tie on. 

"Where did you get the cool tie"? I asked him. "Soko's brother Tyler". He said and pulled out the Daka contract. 

Then my dad said how Sam and Carly talked about the tech foots in a positive way. Then showed the Daka people clips of them doing it. 

So then the Daka people payed them out of their contract and Sonya brought us blueberry muffins. 

The next day Carly bought my dad a motorcycle. And he took us to Canada to get some Canadian bacon which is just really good ham.  


Okay to be honest one of my favorite episodes on any sires is the blooper episode. I just love to see the actors make fools of themselves and fail. It makes me laugh every time. 

Cali 🎆

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