iParty With Victorious

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Alright, I did a collab with @Twilight_Roxas, the parts that he wrote were of his character Alexis,  his OC from Victorious. He gets credit for his part. 

That's why it's really long. 

Olivia's POV

On the way home from school Carly, Sam and Freddie were debating weeds.

When we walked in the apartment my dad was sitting in the middle of a thing of radios glued to metal pipes.

"I know, this looks unusual." My dad said.

"I'm going to open something and eat it." Sam said and made her way toward the kitchen.

"Grab me one too." I said.

"What are you doing and what is that thing?" I asked my dad.

"I was at the junkyard and found a bunch of old radios and made them into a sculpture I call Potatio Radio." My dad said.

"I was squeezing a potato when I thought of it." My dad said, answering the question of why the sculpture had nothing to do with potatoes.

"So you're part of the sculpture?" Freddie asked.

"No, I ran out of clamps so I'm holding the radios together." My dad said.

Then Sam walked over with two cans of cherry pie filling.

She handed me one which I started to eat.

"You two are eating cans of pie filling." Freddie noted.

"It's all I've got." Sam said.

"Plus it's good." I said.

"I'm going to make you your favorite type of sandwich." Carly told Sam.

"Large." Sam said and Carly nodded.

"And you get a fat cake." Carly told me.

"I do love fat cakes." I said.

"Freddie, Spencer, how does a large glass of lemonade sound?" Carly asked my dad and Freddie.

"Ok give me five minutes." Carly said after the boys nodded.

Then she walked to the kitchen whistling cheerfully.

"Is it possible she's in too good a mood?" My dad said.

I nodded.

"It's like she's oozing happy." Freddie said.

"Just like my mom when she was taking those 'special vitamins'." Sam said.


Then there was a knock at the door and Mrs. Benson came in.

"I need Freddie." She said.

"Well Freddie hates you." Sam said.

"I don't 'hate' her." Freddie said.

Sure Freddie.

"Lemonade." Carly said and handed Mrs. Benson some lemonade.

"Oh thank you." Mrs. Benson said and took the lemonade.

"You look so pretty today." Carly told Mrs. Benson.

Ok that's weird.

"Thanks, I suppose you do too." Mrs. Benson, obviously noticing how weird and cheerful Carly's acting.

"What's up with Sally Sunshine?" Mrs. Benson asked.

"She's been dating a new guy." Freddie said.

"A new guy can't make a girl that cheerful." Mrs. Benson said.

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