iSpace Out

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Olivia's POV 

On iCarly tonight they had a new part called dancing with Cameron, Cameron is a super hot guy that graduated from Carly's school. A rich guy that owns a space program asked Carly, Sam and Freddie if they wanted to be the first webshow in space. 

Of course they said yes. LUCKY. 

But I and figured out a way for me to sneak into the little room that they use as a simulator. 

So the morning of the simulator day I snuck into Carly's suitcase. I bet she won't notice because I weigh only 40 pounds. 

But I regretted it when Carly banged her suitcase all the way down the stairs. 

When they put Carly, Sam and Freddie's stuff in the simulator room I got out and looked around the place. 

I found some dried strawberries in the little pouches they use for space travel. I ate all of them and turns out they are pretty good. I also had some peanuts that were in the pouches. I stashed them under a bed when the door opened. 

I ran and hid behind the counter and heard people talking behind the door. 

Then Carly, Sam and Freddie came in. 

"Now before I close this door do any of you kids want to met Johnny Depp"? The weird rich guy asked. 

But then he said to bad and closed the door. 

Freddie walked around the counter and stepped on my hand. 

"Ow you stepped on my hand"! I got up and yelled making them all jump. 

"What are you doing here"? Carly asked. 

"Uh.... Well uh .... I may have snuck into your suitcase and waited till I was in here, got out and ate your dried strawberries". I said. 

"Okay, I guess you can stay, but you better not mess this up for iCarly".  Carly told me. 

Then they began planning iCarly. 

After nine minutes Sam pounded on the wall. 

And Freddie told us the point of this whole test in a way that no one could understand. 

"What"? I asked. 

"It means space madness". He said in a low tone. 

"Dun, dun, dun". Sam, Carly and I all said dramatically and sarcastically.  

Then Sam and Freddie flighted over powdered nuts. 

When they did iCarly I had to hide in the cabinets. 

Carly told me after that Sam and Freddie fought again. 

During the middle of the night Freddie woke Carly and I up and we heard what sounded like an animal eating. 

Carly turned the light on and we saw Sam eating a brisket. 

"Sam you smuggled a brisket in here"? Freddie said. 

"Yeah and some creamed corn and it's a good thing I did because I can't take it in here". Sam said. 

"I was smuggled in here". I said for some random reason. 

Then Freddie and Sam fought for the fifth time over the brisket. 

Once Carly calmed them down we all got back into bed, well my bed was the space in between the counter and the wall. 

Then Carly started screaming and hitting things and she ran over and got a hammer thing and smashed the little window and jumped out. 

"And there goes iCarly's chances of going up into space". Freddie said. 

"Aww, to bad, now lets go". I said and ran out with Carly's phone and called Amya's mom to come get me, so the space people wouldn't know I was there. 

So when I got home my dad ran out of the room with his fencing sword. 

"Oh it's you". He said. 

"yeah well noticed". I said as he put the sword into his bottle bot. 

"So where were you"? He asked. 

"Uh, Amya's". I told him with a fake smile on my face. 

"Oh, okay, well I'm glad to see you". He said and hugged me. 

"And no one else". He said and I got really confused but my dad has a big imagination. 

Then Carly walked in. 

"hey kid, why are you back early"? My dad asked. 

"Yes why are you back early"? I asked to cover up my lie. 

"Well I broke a window a escaped from our room an the billionaire said that if I did that in space it would be bad for his business". Carly said. 

"Well he's right". My dad said and hugged Carly. 

Then he went back to bed and I went into the kitchen with Carly. 

"So I assume you got away with it"? Carly asked me. 

"Yeah, I can get away with anything". I said. 

Then a little girl walked in and we all stared at each other. 

Then the little girl just walked out the back door. 

"Space madness". Carly and I said together and went upstairs to bed. 


Sorry for not updating in a while. I just started a new season of soccer and practice Tuesday's and Thursdays and games on Saturday. All in all my schedule is pretty busy. The next episode is iMove out. Oh and iDate a Bad boy was put off because it would take forever for me to do it. 

If you like Harry Potter go to my profile and click on my Quotev account which is Harry Potter theme only. 


Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now