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Olivia's POV 

Carly just picked me up from school and complained about having to film talent show auditions on Saturday all the way home. 

When we got to the door Carly dropped her water bottle, our next door neighbor Freddie Benson opened the door and grabed it for her. 

"Here, you dropped this". Freddie said. Oh here we go again. Freddie has this weird crush on Carly. 

"Om thanks". Carly said. "I was gonna walk you home from school, but I couldn't find you, hey". Freddie said and waved. 

I zoned out of the conversation after that, because it was just sad. I knew it ended with Carly telling Freddie that she didn't love him "that way" and Freddie telling Carly that he was cool with living with that constant pain. 

Then Carly and I walked into the apartment. 

"Were home". I announced. 

"Hey kids". My dad's voice said. We looked around but he was no where in sight.

"Up here". HE said again and waved his hand from the celling. He was dangling from a pipe over his robot sculpture made from soda bottles. 

Then he took some pictures if the robot when Carly decided to say something. 

"You know for most 8th grade girls if they came home with their 6 year old niece and saw their 26 year old brother dangling upside down from the celling over a robot made out of soda bottles, it would be weird". She said. I nodded in agreement as my dad's head swung down from the celling. 

"Your saying I'm abnormal". He told Carly.  "Do I need to say it, now get down from there before you hurt yourself". Carly told him. 

"No worries, I got my leg wrapped around this pipe, and". He was cut off by him falling on the ground. I knew this would happen. 

Carly and I helped him up. "Are you okay"? Carly asked. "Yeah, wait nope, I dislocated my shoulder again". Dad said and rubbed his shoulder. 

I rolled my eyes. Every time he does something crazy like this he always gets hurt or something catches on fire. 

Then he screamed and threw himself on the floor. Then got up again. "That fixed her". He said and rubbed his shoulder again.

I went into the kitchen to get a juice box. 

When I was doing that Carly asked dad if she could borrow his video camera he said he can't. And why? you ask. Well he turned his video camera into a squirrel. 

I have got a crazy dad. 

Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Olivia Shay, I live in Bushwell Plaza with my dad and his younger sister. My mom left me with my dad when I was two. My dad, Spencer Shay is an artist, a non popular artist. He always starts fires. Carly is normal luckily, but her friends are weird, Sam loves meat and has a parole officer, Freddie is the complete opposite, he is nerdy and his crush on Carly is just weird and creapy. 


 I woke up cranky this morning. 

For some reason there was screaming going on downstairs, Carly, Sam, and Freddie I believe. 

And after school Sam and Carly got me from school. When we got into the apartment she was complaining about their teacher Mrs. Briggs. 

Then I went up to the room to get glitter out of my hair, that stuff gets everywhere. 

When I came out, Carly, Sam and Freddie where racing past me to the third floor. 

When I went down  the stairs dad was standing there holding a woman manikin that was spilt in two. "Why"? I asked, but then thought, Do I really want to know? 

"Someone left her in the dumpster". He told me. Like I said, weird. 


Carly, Sam, and Freddie are starting a web show tonight called iCarly. 

I watched it with my dad and it was awesome. It was about people with bizarre talents. 

Freddie was the technical person and Carly and Sam were the hosts. 

Then after the show they all came down. Turns out 37,000 people were watching iCarly. 

They are going to have a party to celebrate. A crazy hat party to be exact. 

At the party I was wearing a lion hat that made a roaring noise when I tapped a button. I was a little scared that it would catch on fire, because dad made it. 

During the party Carly and Sam signed autographs. And a boy with red curly hair and glasses ran around with dad's manikin woman.  

Surprisingly, my hat had not caught fire and my head was unharmed. 



Hi everyone. This is my first fanfiction not about Harry Potter or Twilight. 





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