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Olivia's POV 

I was sitting on the couch next to Sam (who was eating a lot of meatballs). 

Then Freddie walked in with his huge camera. 

"Sam has a meatball problem." Carly said. 

"I thought you were on the patch." Freddie said. 

"I am." Sam said. 

Carly then rolled up Sam's arm to reveal several meat patches.

"Isn't that supposed to cure your cravings?" I asked her. 

"It's not working... I still want you." Sam said to the meatball. 

"Put it down." Carly said. 

Sam tilted the fork and the meatball dropped onto the floor. 

"Right that's where it goes." Carly said sarcastically. 

Then Carly's video chat thing went off and she went to go answer it. 

Freddie raised three mini golf putters. 

"Want to putt some meat?" He asked Sam and I. 

"Yeah I'll play some meat golf." Sam said. 

"Nothin' to loose." I said and we both got up and grabbed a putter. 

While Carly was talking to the dude on video chat, Sam, Freddie and I were putting the very big meatball back and forth. 

When Carly was done my dad walked in. 

"Hey did you save me a meatball?" He asked. 

"Yeah, heads up." I said and swung my putter and the meatball went swinging through the air and my dad caught it. 

"Nice." He said and took his meatball back to his bedroom. 

Then Carly told us the guy on video chat was a guy named Gordon Birch who wanted to propose to his girlfriend live on iCarly. 

So next week he was going to propose to her and sing her a song. 


Tonight is the night Gordon is going on iCarly and proposing to his girlfriend Jodie. 

So they pretended to do a new thing on iCarly called random chatting, then they got Jodie to do random chatting, then Gordon came out. 

"There has been something I've wanted to do for a while now doll." Gordon started to say. 

Then my dad came in and interrupted them with with a bag of potato chips. 

He then told the fans about the fact that he found a tortia  chip in his bag of potato chips. 

So then Carly grabbed the bag. 

"Now comes with a free tortia chip." She said. 

Then my dad grabbed it and Jodie began to freak out over him and said that he should be on the show more often. 

After that Sam and Carly ushered him and his potato bag out. 

Then Gibby came in dressed as a bear, because he is supposed to be the ring dude. 

I had to go and spred flowers as I followed Gibby. 

Yeah I'm the flower girl.  

So then Gordon did his proposal thing and asked Carly, Sam and Freddie to come to the wedding in Wisconsin and be the bridesmaids and the best man.  

Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now