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Olivia's POV 

Tonight on iCarly, Sam and Carly made my dad's spaghetti tacos but Sam ended up eating all of the meatballs. 

The next day dad picked me up early from school because Food TV called and said that they wanted Carly, Sam and Freddie on tv because they made spaghetti tacos. 

Well, he picked me up in a taxi and looked like he'd been electrified or something. 

Later that night the people from Food TV came and celerity chef Ricky Flame came and challenged them to a food fight. 

I had to watch it on my dad's phone because dad dragged me to the Groovy Smoothie.  Apparently when he got electrocuted by Sam's locker he saw a image of him from the future when he saw the little alien from Galaxy Wars, Nug Nug. 

So when the judging came on Food Fight, Sam pulled a band aid from the tacos. 

And guess what happened? CARLY, SAM AND FREDDIE WON!!!!!!!!!! 

Dad was standing in  the Groovy Smoothie because he had to go to the bathroom and I refused to watch the door for Nug Nug. 

Then an old lady came up. "Excuse me mam, I have to go to the bathroom, can you watch the door for a small alien from the planet Juveron to come in, his name is Nug Nug, when he comes tell him I'll be right back". My dad explained to the old lady. 

"Crazy". The old lady said and wacked my dad with an umbrella. 

"I hope you space jacked by a fleet of skynots". Dad told the lady once he got up and I rolled my eyes at him. 

"What"? The lady asked. "It's dorky Galaxy Wars talk". I told the lady. "Nerd". She told my dad before walking out the door. 

"You know I could call you a  nerd all day, now I gotta go, watch for Nug Nug". Dad told me and ran uncontrollably into the bathroom.  

Okay, lets make something clear, I'm not a nerd and anyone besides him who calls me one with find themselves on the floor bleeding. 

After Food Fight Carly, Sam and Freddie came and told us that Ricky Flame began acting like a sore looser after losing.  Well Sam said that, Carly said it nicer. 

So then the next day they went to Ricky's house to try and get him out of bed. 

I stayed home because I didn't want to spend another day at the Smoothie. 

That night day said that he met Nug Nug at the Groovy Smoothie and gave him a huge hug. 

"I think you need a bubble bath". I told my dad and went with Freddie, Sam and Carly to the wrestling studio to apparently see Ricky Flame winning. 

Ricky was wrestling small boys and winning, okay, this guy is really messed up, more than my dad. 

I watched for a little then Ricky got Carly and put her on the floor. So Carly set Sam on him and Sam beat him, not unexpected. 

So when we came home I ran to the bathroom because I drank like 10 smoothies yesterday and they were done with me. 



Sorry for taking a while to update. 

See ya 


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