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Olivia's POV 

Dad and I are in the living room and I am watching him fence with his robot. 

The doorbell rang and Carly yelled down for me or dad to answer it. 

"Come in". Dad said and Sam walked in. 

She asked Dad if he was beating his robot and apparently the robot is scared.  

Then Sam went into the kitchen and Carly came down and scared dad, making him stop fencing his robot. 

"What is this slop"? Sam asked us. 

"Oh, that's veggie pudding, it's for my cousins, they are coming over this weekend so I have to make something they can eat". Carly told her. 

I let out a long groan. Our cousins the Dorfman's are sooooooooo weird. On a scale of 1 to 10, they would be at around 67 in weirdness scales. 

"The Dorfmans are coming"? Dad asked Carly. "Yes, I told you three times". Carly told him making his bat his robots head with his fencing sword. 

Then dad and Carly explained who the Dorfmans are to Sam. 

"Why haven't I met them"? Sam asked. "Because I like you". Carly told her. 

Freddie called from upstairs, signaling that iCarly was going to start. 

When Carly and Sam tried to go upstairs dad stepped in front of them. 

"What makes you think you can get pass Spencer the Fencer"? Dad asked them making me roll my eyes. 

Sam jerked dad's sword out of his hand and threw it to the ground. Then she jabbed dad with her elbow, making him fall down and me let out a laugh. 

Then Sam and Carly went upstairs to do iCarly. 


After iCarly Sam, Carly and Freddie came back downstairs. 

Dad was packing his sport's bag to go fencing. 

"Hey where you going"? Freddie asked Carly and Sam. 

"Glitter Gloss". Carly told him making him groan. 

"What's Glitter Gloss"? Dad asked. 

"It's the most girlish store, well next to build a bra". Freddie said. 

I nodded. I don't wear lip gloss or bra's since I am only six. 

"Yeah, lets go there too ". Carly told Sam. 

"So are you coming"?  Sam asked Freddie. "No, go ahead". Freddie told them and they went out the door. 

"I need to stop hanging out with girls". Freddie said after they left. 

"You can come hang with me at the fencing studio"? Dad asked Freddie. 

Then he explained what happens at the fencing place. I went there once with him and it was just so weird. 

"Hey, we're going fencing, I don't want you here alone so go up to Amya's apartment till I get back". Dad told me. 

"Happy to, anywhere is better than your weird fencing place". I said and went up and spent the night at Amya's. 


The next night Dad and Freddie were fencing while Carly was preparing dinner for the Dorfmans. 

"Hey Carly, Freddie and I are going to the fencing studio". Dad told Carly. 

Then Carly told them they can't go because the Dorfmans are coming tonight. 

"Can't hear you, your breaking up". Freddie said and him and dad ran out the door. 

I got up and ran after them, if I can find a way to get out of seeing the Dorfmans then I'll take it. 

When we got to the fencing studio all I did was read a Warrior cat book, Midnight, while dad and Freddie fenced. 

I looked up once to find Freddie chasing dad around the place, hitting him with his sword. 

When dad and I got home the Dorfmans were just leaving.

Feeling the tension in the room, I ran up to my room to avoid Carly yelling at Dad and I for leaving her alone with the Dorfmans. 

After an hour I went back downstairs with Carly behind me. 

Dad and Freddie were fencing in the living room and Carly's mouth dropped. 

She ran up and pulled dad's sword out of his hand and threw it across the room. 

"You promised me no more fencing". Carly told dad. "He sliced my banana". Dad told Carly and I rolled my eyes. 

Then Carly went out the door. 

"What is she doing"? Dad asked. "I don't know". Freddie said. 

Then a boy came downstairs. "Do any of you have any lotion"? He asked. When we said no he went back upstairs. 

"Do you know that guy"? I asked Freddie and dad. "Nope". They both answered. 

"He what"!? Mrs. Benson's voice sounded from across the hall. 

"My mom". Freddie muttered. "Oh my gosh". Dad said. 

Then Mrs. Benson came over and told dad off for teaching Freddie to fence. 


The next day Mrs. Benson was convinced that Freddie can fight Totor. 

So that night we all went to see Freddie fence. 

It ended up in Freddie falling and Mrs. Benson jumping in and fighting 5 guys with two sword and man that woman can fence. 

After that was done we all went back home and looked up the Fencin Benson's.  

But then Sam said that she won the bet her and Freddie made. Apparently they bet that Sam couldn't read the Penney Treasure in a week. 

Since Sam did it that means Freddie has to fill his pants with water. 

So we went over to the sink and Freddie put the long faucet in his pants and Carly turned the water on. 

Freddie's pants began to fill up with water and it looked like he was peeing his pants.  

My life is really weird. 


Two update's in one day for you. 

Cali 🎆

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