A Wrong Person

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Juliet's POV

" That's it." Cassius said and showed us the sketch of the woman that he made according to Melanie's description of the woman who reach her that day in the cafe when she went for a meeting with Mrs. Brentwood.

" Oh, great job, Cassius. You should be a professional artist. You are spoiling your talent and wasting your time in the business field." Melanie said taking the sketch and Cassius rolled his eyes.

" Who is this woman?" Cassius asked.

" You forgot, I have told you last night about her." Gabi said. I took the sketch from Melanie.

" I was too tired yesterday and your words act like a melodious lullaby." Cassius said and Gabi glared at him.

" She is the woman who reach Melanie claiming herself being Melanie's sister but when Mr. Malhotra reached there and asked for a proof she ran away from there." Heidi said to him.He sighed deeply.

" Melanie, don't worry about that. May be someone known to that woman looks alike you and when Mr. Malhotra reached there she was too shock about the fact that she overreacted about a wrong person and that's why she walked out of there without creating a scene." Cassius said.

" But why would he run away then?!" Gabi asked and Cassius looked coldly at her.

" Will you keep quiet for awhile, Mrs. Emerson? Let me finish." He said and Gabi nodded twisting her lips. I chuckled inwardly.

" Ok, sorry. You can continue." Gabi said.

" Very well." He said. " Sometimes people gets too shocked to react about things which makes them do something they didn't. She must be very shocked about the fact and she didn't know how to handle the situation and she ran away. It generally happens for anxiety disorder. People having anxiety disorder are always worried about every single fact." Cassius said.

" How can we say that the woman has mistaken Melanie about someone else?" I asked him.

" I was just stating my own thought nothing else." He said to me.

" Guys, I have to go. I have my classes and then I have to go to the hospital for a regular check-up. I will be leaving. Have a nice day all of you." Melanie said before walking out of the room. I waited until she goes out of the room.

" It can be something else as well, Cassius. It can be someone hired that woman to reach Melanie and tell her that she is her sister. May be that person wants to meet Melanie but doesn't want to come to light. May be that person is not going to reach her personally." I said to him. He nodded.

" I know. Or may be someone wanted to kidnap her to ask for a huge ransom from Bradley family. Or it can be someone who has an enmity with the Bradley. There can be a lot of reasons but I just didn't want to discuss about those before Melanie. It can hamper her mental health." Cassius said and I nodded.

He is right. We shouldn't discuss this thing before her. The most believable thing is someone wanted to kidnap Melanie. We have to be careful about her security. Though Ari said that they are concern about that already but still we have to keep an eye on her 24/7. That person can reach her once again. I am sure he or she will.

" That person can reach her again." I said.

" Not that soon. If he or she has common sense then won't show up that soon once again." He said to me. I nodded. " But the fact is we still have to be careful about this. Cause if not then they can be trapped and I don't think that person will take any risk." He said.

" I can understand that." I said.

" Ok, then. I am going. I have an important meeting with the members of the board." Cassius said. " Take care, Mrs." He said to Gabi and walked out of the studio.

" Ok. We understand that you are head over heels in love with your husband but you don't have to prove it by turning into a strawberry now. Pathetic!!!" Heidi said rolling her eyes and I chuckled seeing her reaction. Gabi thew the cushion at her and she caught it.

" I hate being whipped. I don't want to be whipped in my whole life. Single life is the best one. Freedom all around." Heidi said and I rolled my eyes.

" You are single?" Gabi asked her and she nodded.

" And you want us to believe you?" I asked her and she nodded once again. I rolled my eyes.

" You can't be trusted at all, dude." I said.

" If you are single then what about Kurt? You were saying that he is you partner now." Gabi asked her.

" Bro, he is too clingy, overprotective and always daydreaming about the future of our relationship. He dragged it too far and even has chosen the names for the kids. I couldn't drag it anymore so I broke up with him yesterday. I have forgotten to inform you all. You two officially first one to know that. Congratulations!!! I am throwing a party tonight to celebrate my break-up. How does that sound, girls?" Heidi said and I rolled my eyes. Gabi shook her head sighing deeply.

" Grow up,Bro." Gabi said.

" But Bro..." Heidi smirked. " He was hot as hell. Isn't he hotter than your hubby my ex-crush?" Heidi asked and Gabi rolled her eyes.

" I don't know. I haven't seen Kurt yet. I just heard his name." Gabi said.

" What?!! I send you his photos." She said. I rolled my eyes.

" I forgot to check those photos." Gabi said and I chuckled.

" Bro, we have dated for a week and you didn't have chance to check the pictures for that one week?" Heidi said.

" That long?!" I asked her.

" Yup. I thought he is different but every guys are sane. They are demanding, overprotective and clingy." Heidi said and I sighed deeply.

" God will send someone to tame you having exactly the same 3 qualities that you hate the most." I said. She rolled her eyes.

" No, thanks. I will better stay single while my life." She said to me.

" You never know the future." I said and she rolled her eyes. I chuckled and my phone vibrated.

I took my phone out and found a text from an unknown number and I found a photo. It was a photo of Ardeyn and that bi*ch classmate of her Gemma. I glared at the photo for awhile I knew it was taken on purpose. Before reaching Ardeyn, I have track this bi*ch. She has messed up with a wrong person.

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