Days Of Suffering

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Juliet's POV

I was already so bored waiting for Drew the guy whom I met in one of a party. I didn't want to meet him but Mom forced me to meet him. It was awkward for me to meet him like this. I know what my family was planning about. They must be trying to fix an arrange marriage for me. I sighed deeply. I just hate it. Hate it to the end. But at this moment I literally don't have anything to do about it. I will think about it later. I was already tensed about the girl Holly who was Ardeyn's college fellow. She is showing too much interest about Ardeyn which is not a positive sign for me. I need to do something about it. I may meet her soon and talk to her face to face. The best option.

" Hi!!" I heard someone saying and looked up to see Drew standing there smilingly. I tried to smile a bit. He sat across me.

" Sorry for being late." He said and I chuckled.

" Coming late on the first meeting is the worst impression." I said to him and he kept looking at me for awhile then chuckled. " I am straightforward. I hope you don't mind." I said to him and he shook his head.

" I quite like this attitude of yours." He said and I nodded. " What would you take?" He asked me passing the menu. I shook my head.

" I just had lunch with my friends." I said to him.

" Oh, I loved the new song." He said.

" Thank you." I said to him.

" Are you ok? I think you are uncomfortable." He said and I sighed deeply.

" I like to make things clear for us. I am not interested in this wedding drama. I am still not ready and this all meetings and stuffs are burden for me. I hope you don't mind." I said to him. He was a bit uncomfortable with this but smiled a nodding.

" There is no pressure on you." He said and I chuckled nodding.

We talked for awhile and then Ari's mother called me to know if she was at my place. I called home and got assured that she was there. I informed her about Ari being at my place. Later I took leave and drove back to home. I was so tired today. I needed rest. As soon as I entered the house Mrs. Corbyn said Ari was in my room from this evening. I nodded. There is nothing to be so surprised. She comes to my place in odd times. This is not so surprising. I walked to my room and found Ari laying flat on my bed. I sighed and walked into the washroom. I came out having a shower and she was sitting on the bed resting her head on the headboard.

" What happened, Ari?" I asked her.

" What will happen to me?" She asked me back.

" Why are you that silent?" I asked her.

" Nothing happened just am tired a bit." She said to me and I sighed deeply.

" Should I trust you?" I asked her and she kept silent cause even. I knew there was a problem otherwise she is never ever silent like this. I was determined to made her share her problem with me. She took a deep breath to get ready to share her problem. I knew she will do that. I know her very well. She told me everything that happened this evening. I sighed deeply and sat next to her.

" You mom called me earlier. She was worried about you. I told her that you are with me." I said to her. She sighed deeply.

" What do you want do now?!" I asked her. She shook her head.

" I don't know. I am feeling very guilty for everything." She said looking down at the ground. I sighed inwardly holding her hand and smiled a bit.

" Ari, you are not responsible for anything. You had nothing to do in this. You were no way responsible for these all. It's your grandparents who were responsible for this. They made things more complicated." I said.

" I don't know what to do now." She said to me.

" You should meet your father, Ari. He is waiting for so long to meet you. Didn't you wanted to have a father in your life?" I asked her and she sighed deeply.

" I did but all on a sudden everything is very awkward for me." She said to me. 

" Nothing is awkward here, Ari. Your father loves you. You can't deprive him of his daughter. You have to right to do so." I said.

" But what if he wants me to live with him?! I can't leave my mother neither I can disappoint my father. I am stuck in an awkward situation." She said to me. 

" How do you know that your father will force you to live with him?! You haven't even talked to him yet. Just go and talk to him. Tell him what you want to do. Tell him what you need is your life." I said to her and she nodded.

" I don't know what is reserved for me in future." She said to me. 

" Relax, Ari." I said and handed her a glass of water. " You can decide for yourself. No one will be forcing you to do anything. If you want to live with your mom then it's ok. Tell your father what you want. Make it clear for him." I said.

" My mom suffered all her life for me. I just don't want to leave her alone in this situation." She said to me. 

" Yes, I do respect her. I respect her for everything that she has done for you. But the thing most important for you right now is to calm down and sum up everything. Your father didn't know you all these years. And everyone thought he was dead as well. He had lost a lot in his life so did your mother. You should never ever leave them alone. You can convince them that you will leave with both of them. Your father can move to London so that he can visit you whenever he wants to meet you. It will make things more comfortable." I said to her. 

" I think I will talk to him at first." She said to me.

" That's my girl!!" I said and she sighed deeply.

" Thanks for encouraging." She said to me.

"Mention not. I am always there for you." I said to her and she chuckled.

" I was confused as hell since the evening." Shr said to me.

" Isn't it obvious?! Anyone would be so confused in such a situation, Ari. This is so awkward when you suddenly know that the woman who brought you up since you were born is not your biological mother and your biological father is in search of you who never appeared before." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" What would you do if you were in my shoes?" She asked me.

" I think I would do the same which I have just told you to do." I said and she nodded.

" I wish you never ever be in my shoes, Juliet. I swear it's a hell torture." She said to me and I chuckled.

" You never know, girl." I said and she sighed deeply.

" You have a lovely family and you don't have to worry about it." She said to me.

" That lovely family is my biggest problem, Ari." I said and she sighed deeply.

" Anyways, have you had your dinner?" I asked her.

" No, I think I will go home and have it with my Mom and aunt." She said to me.

" It's already late and I am sure that they are waiting for you. Do you want me to drop you home?" I asked her but she shook her head.

" I will manage, Juliet." She said to me and stood up. " Thanks for being my support all the time." She said and I chuckled.

" You will have me whenever you need me." I said to her and she smiled before walking out of there. I sighed. May the days of her suffering ends here.

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