From The Start

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Juliet's POV

" Are you going to meet Whitney?" Ardeyn asked me as soon as I picked the call up.

" Yes, Ari was saying that she is going there along with Heidi. Gabi and Jordana will manage the works that is left in the studio." I said to him taking my bag.

" I am waiting 2 blocks from the neighborhood.Hurry up. I will drop you to Clayton's place." He said and I checked the time. It was 3:30 PM.

I walked out of my room and found some guests in the living room. I was already very irritated with Archer's topic, I couldn't handle more dramas now, so I walked out of the house from the emergency exit. I had no mood for dealing with the guests now with a fake smile and discuss stupid things.I have had enough of shits to solve in my life already.I hate being close to the people whom I don't like at all. I don't like to act like I really like them. I can't fake my feelings.Ari always says that I am a bad actress. Very very bad actress. Well, I agree with her. I just can't do that. That nature of mine has made me a straightforward person. And I can't change myself ever. It's kinda impossible for me. I am not gonna do that ever. I can improve myself but I am not going to change myself. Cause, changing myself is like killing my soul to me which I never ever want to do.

Sometimes, I think Ardeyn is right. I am turning into very unsocial person day by day. My world is literally  my family,my friends and social media. Though people think it's so fun bring celebrity but the truth is it eats a lot of your times which you could give your near and dear ones. I don't get time to spend with Ardeyn, that's why I try to make it up for him whenever I am free but it's he wants me to be busy with my career. I know that he cares about me and everything related to me. Though he says that he hates the Kentworths but I know he cares for my family as well. But he doesn't want to show that.

Sudden honking of the car pulled me out of my imagination and I turned to see only to find Ardeyn's car. I looked around if anyone was looking at me though I hide myself with my scarf and shades but still these papparazi are everywhere hiding like spies to haunt me. I got in the car and he started to drive.

" Who is following you here?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" You won't understand. I don't want this go viral already. I want keep our relationship private for now.We have big problems to solve here already." I said and he chuckled.

" Ok. As you say.Have you talked to Whitney already?" He asked me.

" I talked to her last night. She is really very devastated. Prince Edward and she are not in a good term already. They may part away anytime. The royal family may not allow Prince to choose Whitney. Besides, his family arranged is wedding with Princess Elara long back. Can you imagine in which situation she is right now? She is going to be in depression if she doesn't have someone to have her back." I said and he sighed deeply.

" We have to wait for her decision about Archer." He said. " We have to respect her decision. Let's see what she says. But we are with her no matter what happens." He said. I nodded.

We reached Clayton's house and found the royal guards around. I looked at Ardeyn and he narrowed his eyes.

" Prince is here?" Ardeyn asked.

" May be." I said to him.

" You go inside. I have to go to the hospital." He to me.

" How is Cara doing now?" I asked him.

" Quite normal now. These things shouldn't be revealed this way. She was very shocked." He said and I nodded.

" I can understand." I said to him." Call me if you need me there." I said and he nodded.

" Take care and call me if need anything." He said before driving away from there. I sighed and walked into the house. The guards knew me and they didn't make a fuss. I found Prince Edward coming out of the house.

" Your Highness!!" I said to him and he chuckled a bit. " Everything ok with Whitney?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" No." He said shaking his head. Princess Elara has reached her last week. You guys may know.Ask your friend. I have to go now. I need to meet Princess to settle down things." He said."I will be going. See you later." He said walking out of there and I sighed going inside. I heard Ari's voice. She was talking to Whitney. I reached the living room and found them there.

" Why...why is ev... everything go..oing out of m... my ha..hand, Ari?!!" Whitney asked Ari and Ari patted her head. I sighed deeply.

" Everything will be fine, Whitney." Ari said making her sit on the couch. She knelt in front of her.

" If you break down then things will be more messed." Ari said.

" What will I do now?! I can neither live without Archer nor Edward. But none of them are going to be with be in the end of the day. Then what am I supposed to do?" She asked Ari.

" Time is the great healer you know? Time will heal every pain and scar. We all are here with you. Just think about Julian and Cara. They are suffering from last four years losing their baby. They deserve to have their baby. Only you can make it happen. Only you can help them. Only you can make things right." Ari said to her and she sighed deeply. I found the girls walking into the living room but I gestured them to stay there until Ari finishes talking to Whitney.

" Archer is my strength, Ari. I can't let him go." Whitney said as tears slipped down her cheeks. Ari wiped her tears.

" He will have a family who will love him and give him everything that he deserves." Ari said. " You always wished that for Archer, right? God has listened to your prayers." Ari said and she sighed deeply.

" Where are the others?" She asked Ari.

" They are standing there." Ari said and she found her friends. She smiled a bit.

" Come here, Don't worry. I am fine." Whitney said before walking out of there and we followed her. She reached upstairs and found Archer watching cartoons with his Nanny.

" Archie!!!" She called him and he squealed before jumping on her. She smiled hugging him tightly. She sat on the couch with him.

" I am going to tell you something very important, Baby. Listen to me very carefully." She said to him and he nodded.

She sighed deeply.She just has taken the hardest decision of her life. But this was needed. We walked out of there letting Whitney talk to Archer alone. We were waiting for Whitney to come back after an hour she came downstairs with Archer.

" We are going to the hospital, guys? To see Archer's Mommy." Whitney said and Ari stood up before hugging both of them tightly.

" I am so proud of you, Whitney." Ari said and Whitney sighed deeply.

" Can you do me a favor, Jordy?" Whitney asked.

" Sure." Jordana said.

" Call your Mom's friend Stacey." Whitney said.

" But why?" Jordana asked her.

" We are sending aunt Sally to the rehab. She needs help." Whitney said coldly and I was very shocked.

I literally couldn't match the Whitney I knew yesterday and the one I am watching now. They are different. Completely different but one thing we knew that we wished for this strong, brave and confident Whitney all the time from the start.

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