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Juliet's POV

" What happened there,Mel?" Jacob asked Melanie.

" I don't remember it clearly but there was a guy asking me for his daughter named Tiffany." Melanie said. .

" Tiffany?" Jacob looked at her weirdly.

" Yes." She nodded.

" You sure it was Tiffany?" I asked her.

" Yes. 100%." She said and Jacob nodded.

" You take rest." He said and gestured us to leave her alone. I followed Ari as she walked out of there.

" You remember Melanie was calling someone named Tiffany in her dream that night?I thought it was just a dream but I think it wasn't a coincidence now. That Tiffany is real and she is somewhere out there. She must be one of Melanie's family members." I said to Ari and she nodded.

" I think so." Ari said.

" Girls, you go home. Jenna will leave you home. You guys need to have some rest now." Jacob said to us.

" What about you?" Ari asked him back.

" Arjun and I will wait until they discharge Melanie. I think it will take a few hours. You guys go home." He said.

" You haven't blinked from last night." Ari said.

" It's not a big deal, Ari. You go home. Get changed and take rest." Jacob said strictly and I chuckled as pouted.

" Not working. Go home." Jacob chuckled. I dragged her out of there.

" Bye, Jacob. See you later." I said and walked to the parking lot.

" Where is your car?" Ari asked me.

" Left it at home. Ardeyn picked me yesterday." I pouted and she shook her head. I was searching for a taxi but Asher's car reached us before that.

" Get in, ma'am." I heard Toren saying to Ari and she rolled her eyes at once.

" I hate it when you call me ma'am like that. My name is Aradhya." She said and I chuckled as Toren was expressionless.

" Aradhya is too hard for him to pronounce,Ari." I said.

" Then call me, Ari." She said.

" Get in. Someone might've spot you both already." Asher said and I got in the car at once.

" How come you sound out that long sentence, Asher?" I asked him and he was again in his silent mode as he was typing something in his laptop. I rolled my eyes.

" Where is your brother?" I asked Asher.

" Gone to meet Cassius." He said.

" Would it take the whole world if he told that to me before going?" I mumbled.

" You better ask him." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Of course, I will. You no need to advice." I said and he shrugged.

The car stopped in the next block and I felt someone opening the door.

" Move, Kenworth." I heard a very familiar voice which would made me delighted the other time but I was already irritated with him so I didn't say anything. He got in the car and sat next to me holding my hand tightly. I rolled my eyes.

" Where is Kale?" Asher asked him.

" Dad has sent him to the north warehouse." He said and shrugged.

" Julie!!" Ari said and I turned to see her.

" What?" I was confused seeing her frowning.

" Do you think Tiffany is the one who abandoned Melanie?" She asked me and I shrugged.

" That night she was saying that Tiffany is her daughter." I said mindlessly.

" If Tiffany is Melanie's daughter then she will be of our age max. " Asher said. " Could you abandon your mother when you were barely 3 or 4?" He asked.

" How can you be so sure that the girl got separated from her mother when she was 3 or 4 years old?" I asked him.

" Cause, Melanie was in that asylum for 13 years. It means her daughter was separated from her when she was 3 or 4. Or may be she was taken away before that." Ardeyn said.

" But this is totally unsolved mystery how Melanie keeps saying she doesn't remember anything about her past but gets dream of her past and now this new guy appeared to reach his daughter." I said and suddenly something rang my mind. " Wait, if that Tiffany is Melanie's daughter so is this new found mysterious man's then he must be Melanie's husband or boyfriend. Isn't it?" I said and Ari looked at me weirdly.

" It didn't ring my mind before, Julie." Ari said to me.

" Even if he is her family member he can't be trusted. He is on top of the suspect list who is responsible for Melanie's suffering all these days." Ardeyn said. " He can't be trusted just like Kentworths." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

" Very funny." I gritted and he chuckled before putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. I narrowed my eyes at him.

" Don't start here. I just had breakfast awhile back and I don't want to throw out everything now." Ari said and Ardeyn laughed.

" You should close your eyes and ears. Give us privacy." Ardeyn said and I wriggle out of his hold. He chuckled.

We reached Bradley's place soon. Though there was a total mystery about Melanie's past but one thing was clear it wasn't so pleasant even if when she was out of the asylum her life was not easy. She was getting a hard time before as well. If not then why no one has ever gone to visit her in all those 13 years of a hell suffering days?! It is really making no sense why that guy came back for his daughter after all these years!!!

" You don't have to brainstorm for this." I heard Ardeyn saying and I stopped.

" What were you talking to Dad yesterday?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

" Your father has strictly forbidden me to talk to you." He said and I sighed deeply. " And his daughter here is ready to kidnap me and lock me down with herself if there goes one day without seeing me." He said and I rolled my eyes before looking away. It is really impossible for me. "Well, everyone know that Kentworths are crazy." He said and I glared at him and he chuckled.

" When will 4 years pass?" I said.

" How are you so sure that I can reach the goals that your father has set for me in 4 years?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" Now where do you want to reach? Mars?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" Kentworth Sr. said to make my own name without using the Northscotts surname." He said.

" I am very sure you will reach that goal." I said to him.

" Why are you so sure, Kentworth?" He asked me.

" Because you won't want me to take any other surname but Northscott in future." I said and he chuckled before walking in Bradley's house.

It's been awhile, guys. How are you doing? Hope you all are doing great. Happy New Year to all you. Stay safe and blessed.❤️❤️❤️

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