deja Vu

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Brentwood's Office Building
Westminster, London
11:00 AM

Arjun's Audi Q7 stopped before the 26 storey building which was the headquarter of Brentwood's multinational business corporation.

" Thanks for the ride, Arjun." Melanie said as she walked out of the car. " Let's have lunch together."

" Alright, call me when you are free and don't forget to take the meds." Arjun said.

" I will definitely do that. Stay calm while dealing with Greene's proposal. It's a huge opportunity. You can't afford to miss it." She said and he chuckled.

" Will take that note and you don't overwork yourself." He said before starting the car. " See you then." The car started to move and soon disappeared.

Melanie chuckled and walked into the elevator. She found some people already in the elevator. She smiled politely at them.

" Good morning!!!" Melanie said and stood silently with the people until the elevator's door was opened. She walked out of the elevator and walked toward Mrs. Brentwood's cabin.

In the meantime, the people who just had met Melanie in the elevator was confused how can a dead person show up out of nowhere.

" Was that Hannah?" One of them asked.

" I am very sure she was not,Mason." The other one said.

" But she looked very alike to Hannah anyways, Jonathan." Mason said. 

" But Hannah has passed away 18 years back." Jonathan said.

" I suppose miracle can still happen."

" But we buried her ourselves. She was dead. We confirmed it."

" We still can hope for that."

" My sister choose her own end when she decided to elope with that b*stard."

" You can't keep holding on that forever, John."

" I just don't want to talk about this anymore." Jonathan looked away.

" What if this woman is your sister?" Mason asked.

" She is dead."

" What if?" Mason asked.

" I hope it's not her. I don't want her to live in a life full of pain and scars." Jonathan sighed deeply.


Joanne Brentwood's cabin
Brentwood's Office Building
Westminster, London, UK
11:30 AM

" Are you busy?" Melanie's voice made Joanne chuckled.

" I am not. Come, have a seat." She said and Melanie sat across her.

" You have a meeting with your new associates today I guess." Melanie said.

" Yeah. I do. They must be on their way." Joanne said.

" Great. I am going to assist you today." Melanie said.

" Thanks in advance for your help. I know Becca has her family but without her I am just a big mess. She takes care of everything here." Joanne said.

" That's so true. But she has already guided me about what I have to do, so I hope I don't mess up things." Melanie said.

" You won't." She replied.

" Hope so." Melanie said.

They both walked into the conference room and found the new associates already there.

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