Fake Smile

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Ardeyn's POV

" There are a lot of things to discuss with you, Ardeyn. Are you going to Paris this week with the girls?" Asher asked me and I sighed. 

" No. I am not going with them. Juliet needs to realize that she needs space for herself. She is getting too much attached with me day by day. Her career will collapse if she stays stuck with me like that." I said to him tying the tie." Ari is also in a relationship, she is committed to the relationship but that's not hampering her career but Juliet's relationship is hampering her career. As an ideal partner I should lead her they way toward her success not the one which will destroy her." I said to him.

" Yeah, that's right. But her possessiveness over you is not abnormal, Ardeyn. Don't compare her with Aradhya. They both are different persons and their characters won't be the same. They have differences. They won't react about things the same way. Think about you and me. We are also different. Our preferences are also different. In the same way they are not the same person to have the same personality, Ardeyn. We have to understand that. Talk to Juliet. She will understand your point. She is not a kid anymore." He said and I sighed deeply.

" I should be happy that she loves me that much. Once upon a time I myself wanted her to fall in love with me but now when she is in love with me is already making me worried about her career. Cause, if she stays stuck with me like this then she will be disconnected with the world  which I don't want at all. Now I understand thinking about being attached to each other is suits in imagination only, in reality it's harmful for a healthy relationship as well as the career opportunities of each other. Every relationship needs comfortable space to grow and if I prove to be an obstacle for her career then it will be like a hard slap on my face. I can't make our relationship a burden on Juliet. I am seeing my family members from childhood that my parents, my uncle, aunts they have managed their career and relationship very smoothly. I think Juliet is not getting that point. She is too dependent on the relationship and ready to sacrifice everything for her relationship." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Juliet hasn't spend her childhood like us. Her family has failed to make her feel the same ours have done, Ardeyn. Her family must have made her feel insecure about things. I think her point of view is not the same as ours." He said.

" What do you mean?" I asked him.

" Look Ardeyn, Mrs. Kentworth was also a working woman once upon a time. She had her own business. Then she got married to Mr. Kentworth. She used to have her own career before she started a family. When Juliet was young she stopped being involved with business issues anymore. Instead Mr.Kentworth started to manage her business. She was too busy handling the events and others for Kentworth's hotels and convention centers. Though they started to work together for each other but still they started to have problems with that. You remember once Mr. and  Mrs. Kentworth's fight almost dragged them to the court to have a divorce? But they may decided to compromise for their kids and business. No matter what they do love their children but they couldn't be the best parents to them to show that wholeheartedly affection for them. That's why there is such a relationship between them and their children. I think Juliet's mom's incident is still stuck in her mind that if she devotes herself to her works then that will make a crack her relationship as well. That's why she is overprotective about you. I do support her in one sense that she wants to be with you till the end. She is worried about her relationship and she wants to be with you. You should respect her feelings as well." He said and I sighed deeply.

" I do respect her feelings but I am worried about her desperateness. That's it." I said.

" I can understand but things will be alright. She just has come out of her family atmosphere and started to think about her freedom. She will soon spread her wings and understand which decision is best for her life and career. You don't have to worry about it." He said and I sighed.

" I will wait for that day." I said and we walked out of the house. There was an event at Cassidy's place.

" Are we late?" Asher asked as we reached the Cassidy's place.

" I think we are. But who is waiting for us anyways?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Mom and Dad." He said and I chuckled.

We walked into the ballroom and found Damien talking to Cassius. Cassius saw us and walked toward us saying bye to Damien who rolled his eyes at me before walking away and I chuckled. Kentworths are always dumb. They don't know how to cope up with the situation smartly. Does he has to show it to the world that he doesn't like the Northscotts? Ridiculous!!!

" Hey, Cassius!!! How are you doing these days?" Asher asked him. He chuckled.

" Doing great. What about you?" He asked Asher.

" We are doing well." Asher said.

" Where is your nephew?" I asked him.

" He is with Mrs. Cassidy. She kinda get used to be with him. He is very comfortable with her as well." He said and I nodded.

" You came to talk to us, won't this effect on you? Mr. and Mrs. Osborne can doubt on you about us." I said and he chuckled.

" I told them that I am trying to be close to everyone related to Gabrielle. They believed me. They won't bother me about this." Cassius said.

" Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked him.

" I am sure it will be. This Osborne's has to pay for their deeds. Their time has come to the end. Soon, they will start to pay for their doings." He said. I nodded looking at Mr. and Mrs. Osborne who smiled at us. I smiled back in return of their fake smile.

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