Enough for lifetime

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Axton's Office Building
Westminster, London
7:00 PM

" Am I late?" Noel looked at the door as he heard the voice of his friend.

" Come in,Rian." He said and Adrian took the seat across Noel as he walked inside the cabin.

" Where were you?" Noel asked Adrian as he called his PA to bring tea for them.

" At Thistlewood's place. Alyssa's grandfather is under the weather these days. He wanted to see her. I couldn't possibly refuse that now, could I?" Adrian said and Noel chuckled.

" You left your wife alone at Thistlewood's place?" Noel asked.

" I am not that stupid to do so. I have my eyes and ears inside and out the house. Besides, her parents and Brayden are there. I don't have to worry about that much." Adrian shrugged and they heard the cabin door being opened. The next moment Diya came inside the cabin and Adrian stood up before giving her a brief hug and Diya hugged him back at once.

" Hey, D. How are you doing?" Adrian asked as they broke the hug.

" Doing great. How about you,Rian?" She asked him back.

" I am doing well." He said.

" Where is Allie?" Diya asked as she could not find her there.

" She is at her grandpa's house." Adrian said and Diya looked at him weirdly.

" What?" She asked and looked at Noel who gestured her to have a seat. " I hope you did not forget what happened a few years back?"

" Calm down, girl. Her parents and Brayden are also there and my people are watching her over." Adrian said.

" I do not trust Thistlewoods except Brayden's family. They don't deserve to be trusted." Diya said.

" But they won't be able to hurt my wife. They know what they may face if they bother me. I don't care about the fact that royalty runs in their blood." Adrian said and Diya sighed.

" You should not be too confident, Buddy. " Noel said

" Leave it. Alissa will be fine. Don't worry." Adrian said. " What happened to the Northscott-Milverton and Kentworth clan's clash?" Adrian asked and Diya sighed deeply.

" It has been worsen these days. All started from the accident that took Damien Kentworth's fiancee Mia Brown's life and that accident was happened by someone who stole Ardeyn Northscott's car." Noel said.

" But you said it. It was an accident. There is nothing Northscott have to do with this." He said.

" You are right. It's very simple for others but very complicated when it's between Northscott-Milverton clan and Kentworths. They are sworn enemies of each other. This clash was dragged into the courtroom and Ardeyn was proven not to be involved with that incident but Damien was too shocked to accept this fact that his fiancee and unborn child was gone. That lead him to create a scene outside the courtroom. He threatened Asher and Ardeyn openly that he would kill them. This was a huge blunder made by him. Some common enemies took that opportunity and attacked Northscott-Milverton heirs Asher and Ardeyn outside their college premises leaving Asher severely injured. The scene of his cousin getting shot made Ardeyn so mad and did not think twice before reaching the Kentworth's and beating the sh*t out of Damien Kentworth. After this incidents they realized they were taken advantage by some other forces. So, they decided to send their heirs out of London for awhile until the situation goes back to normal once again." Diya said and Adrian chuckled.

" What a silly reason to fight!!! Why the hell British loves to keep their tradition so much even it is costing them an arm and a leg?" He mumbled.

" I heard you, Rian." Noel said.

" Very good then." He laughed.

" Why are you so interested in Northscott-Milverton and Kentworths clash all of a sudden?" Diya asked Adrian.

" You know Erick Milverton is one of the friends of my mother and my father-in-law. He is a few years younger than them but they attended the same college. A few days back he requested my father to take his son and nephew as the apprentices in our company. I was very surprised at first then I saw the news and you guys made it crystal clear to me." Adrian said and Noel chuckled.

" Diya has a special connection to Northscott-Milverton clan. Ask her?" Noel said.

" What connection, D?" Adrian asked her. She chuckled.

" Asher's fiancee Aradhya is my cousin." Diya said and Adrian nodded.

" I have to go a bit easy on the boys then." He said and Noel chuckled.

" No need. They will handle everything by themselves. Just guide them to the right direction." Diya said.

" You seem to be very confident about that,huh?" Adrian asked and Diya nodded.

" Because I know the boys very well." Diya said and Adrian chuckled.

" Great then." He nodded.

" Have dinner at our place tomorrow. Bring your wife too. Mom will be very happy to see Alissa" Noel said.

" Alright. We will be there." Adrian said as he stood up to leave.

Adrian left Axton's office building and reached Thistlewood's place. It was almost the dinner time. He looked for his wife who was nowhere to be found. Then he found her coming downstairs with Glinda. He went to the room they were staying and took a quick shower before going downstairs and join everyone at dinner table. As he reached the dining hall. He found his wife was already there sitting next to her parents. He sighed deeply. He thought he will be able to have his wife now after a long day but he can't complain about it as well. He sat next to Brayden and kept stealing glances from his wife time to time. She was very happy to be with her parents. He was lost watching her smiling brightly when he heard Brayden clearing his throat and he rolled his eyes then continued having dinner.

After the dinner everyone went to the balcony to spend some family time together. Adrian was sitting at the far end as he did not have any interest in listening to their words at all. He was busy with his phone when he felt someone circling arms around his waist. He did not bother to look as he knew no one would dare to do that but his dear wife.

" So, you have time for me too, Your Highness? I am touched!!" He said and she kissed on his back and he narrowed his eyes at her and she looked at him with those striking blue eyes with a smirk on the corner of her lips. He gave her a death stare at which she pouted her lips. " Are you trying to seduce me, Princess?" He asked her. She just gave him an evil smirk before nibbling on his ear. He looked at her completely shocked. What happened to this girl today? " Don't provoke the hungry lion, Your Highness. You will not be able to handle me if I lose control." He warned her and she smirked again.

" No one told you to control yourself here, you stone hearted man." She whispered in a seducing tone. He stood up at once with her in his arms.

" I will apologize for leaving soon but I think Alissa had a very eventful day. She has already fallen asleep. I will take her to the room." He said and walked out before letting anyone say anything. When they reached the staircase he whispered in her ear, " You are going to take responsibility for the hungry beast you have awaken tonight, Princess." He said and she chuckled.

" I like the beast inside." She whispered back.

" Where is my elegant lady today?" Adrian asked.

" This is another shade of your elegant lady. Take it, Bad boy." She smirked and he captured her lips as soon as he entered the room and kicked the door behind. He caressed her cheeks with his knuckles and she leaned to his touch.

Alissa smiled inwardly as she closed her eyes. She knew Giselle was wrong. Adrian loves her. All of her. It's not only her beauty, name or body. He loves everything about her. Soul, heart and body. He cherishes everything about her. He does not have to prove it anymore. Once was enough to shook her to the core, once was enough for a lifetime.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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