Mad Man

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Then the tears started welling up in my eyes. Why did I think that I could do this? Jay was wrong I'm not ready for this, I'm not fine. Well I would have been fine if one of my best friends wasn't holding his hand. Why is she doing this to me?

"What are you doing!?" I asked Ruth when she came and sat next to me.

"Sitting next to you..." she replied, sounding confused.

"That's not what I meant and you know it" I said getting slightly louder and angrier.

"What why I was holding Jacob's hand?" she asked.

"He asked me out on Saturday, I was going to tell you..." I was completely shocked. Why would one of my best friends go out with a boy that had broke up with me on the same day that he broke up with me?

"Why did you say yes?!" I asked "You knew about me and him, how could you be such a bad friend!?" I shouted, the whole form going quite to listen to what I had to say. They looked like they were really intersted because I am normally the shy one so they do not normally hear me shout at anyone.

"Wait a minute!" She shouted back

"What about you and him?" she asked

"You knew that we were going out so why would you, being one of my best friends, decide that you would flirt with him and make him like you and dump me for you! Your supposed to care about my feelings and not take my boyfriend because your one of my best friends but your obviously not one of my friends!" I shouted. Then the bell went, signalling us to go to our first lesson. I got up from my chair and stormed out of the room, tears threatening to fall, but I held them back to try and show that I was strong, even though I felt like I was about to shatter into a million pieces.

*Ruth's P.O.V*

"You knew that we were going out so why would you, being one of my best friends, decide that you would flirt with him and make him like you and dump me for you! Your supposed to care about my feelings and not take my boyfriend becasue your one of my best freinds but your obviously not one of my friends!" she shouted at me. Then the bell went and she stormed out of the room.

What just happened? What was she talking about? She wasn't going out with Jacob, was she? I knew they were close but I didn't know they were that close! I suppose I should have seen it really. Every lunch they would sit on the school field together just talking and hugging. Eugh I'm so slow, of course they were going out! They wouldn't have been holding hands or hugging other wise! What have I done? She's never going to forgive me. I never should have let Jacob flirt with me and I never should have said yes to him. Well done Ruth you've really messed up this time.

*End of Ruth's P.O.V*

*Jacob's P.O.V*

Oh this is not going to go well. I need to talk to Ruth, she looks upset. I walked over to Ruth and put my hand on her arm. "You okay?" I asked. She shook my hand off of her.

"No!" she replied "I have completely broken my best friend's heart, so I'm not okay!" and stormed away.

"Ruth wait ..." I called to her but she just rushed out of the door to chase after Megan. Great now I've lost both of them. Way to go Jacob, they're not going to be running back to you anytime soon. Eugh and I've got to sit next to Megan in most of my lessons. This day is gonna go really badly.

*End of Jacob's P.O.V"

*Megan's P.O.V*

Great now I have my least favourite lesson, physics, next to one of my least favourite people, Jacob. My day could not have started any worse. I got my books out and just sat there with my head in my hands, still managing to fight back the tears which were pricking in my eyes. Then Jacob walked in and sat next to me.

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