Say It On The Radio

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Saturday. At last! This week has been eventful to say the least. I keep getting loads of attention at school and outside of school! I hate being the centre of attention it's just embarrassing!

When I'm at school people in my year, the years above and the years below all all keep asking me about The Wanted and Jay, it's so annoying! Even my teachers keep on asking me becuase it was in four newspapers on Saunday that Jay McGuiness from The Wanted had a sister and my picture was in the papers too.

Then when I walk home random people from other schools come up to me and ask me if I am Megan, Jay McGuiness' sister. It's really starting to bug me now! I can't go anywhere without being recognised! Now I know how Jay and the others feel being recognised all the time! They love thier fans but they can get a bit too much at times.

Anyway it's Saturday, time to put the weeks events behind me and focus on today! Today I am going to be with the boys all day, it's gonna be chaos but so much fun! I'm so excited! The only bad part is that they are picking me up at seven. I am not a morning person so am gonna be pretty grumpy when I get on the mini bus.

Eugh... Six o'clock I suppose I better get up. Right eat Cheerios , drink glass of water, have shower, get dressed, brush teeth, dry hair, do something with my strange hair, put on make up and put my shoes on. Hmmm what's the time? 6:51 wow I'm early! What's going on! I'm never early for anything, Jay should be proud of me!

Then the doorbell rang "BYE MUM" I shouted ,knowing full well that she wouldn't reply, and opened the door. Jay and Nathan were standing there both with an open bottle of water in their hands "What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously, I am a little bit slow in the morning.

Then it hit me, literally. I got hit with two bottles of water.

"JAY, NATHAN!" I screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!" They laughed then Jay said

"To wake you up and for the flip" pointing to the camera that Max was holding out of the door if the mini bus.

"And to think I thought you two were nice" I replied sarcastically and slammed the door shut then stomped off and climbed into the van, Jay and Nathan following behind me, still laughing.

"I'm sorry Megan" Jay said pulling a sad face, I ignored him, trying not to laugh

"Megan." He said trying to get my attention, I didn't respond

"Best little sister in the world ever" he said

"You called?" I asked laughing. Aww Jay said I was the best little sister in the world, he so sweet!

The journey didn't take very long, or at least it didn't feel very long. The boys were all talking to me and joking around for the whole journey, it was so fun! Then just as we were pulling up to the first radio station we were visiting today we were stopped by the ear piercing screams.

"Wow." I said, amazed by how loud the fans were. Jay then grabbed my hand

"Stay with me at all times, I don't want to loose you." He said seriously. Aww he's so sweet. Then Max pulled open the door and the screaming got louder. The fans were everywhere! Some were shouting really rude things but that's the TWfanmily for you and others were crying with happiness because their idols were standing just centimetres away from them.

To be honest if I wasn't related to Jay and was there I would have been crying too. Max climbed out of first and was immediately grabbed by fans trying to get his attention. He signed a few autographs and posed for a few photos then moved into the building. The others did the same, then Jay tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me out of the mini bus. Fans screamed even louder when we got out of the van and some asked for a picture with both of us. Others asked me to take a picture of them with Jay. Then after he had said hello to a few more people Jay pulled me into the building.

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