I'll Be Your Strength

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I still haven't told anyone about my confusing family life but they are getting really suspicious. On Friday I walked into our form room and I heard Beth say "I think something's wrong with Megan, she's not been herself lately" and she was going to say something else but Lucy raised her eyebrows at her because I was walking towards them. They keep asking me what's wrong but I won't tell then because it will just make me remember what happened and how I now have no family. Well dad was still calling every five minutes but then on Friday he didn't call or text me once. He must have given up. So I have been disowned by my mum and my dad. Great. Not.

I was sitting in my room just listening to my iPod, which wasn't making me feel any better to be honest because The Wanted's music kept on playing. Lightning,skip, glad you came, well you certainly weren't glad I came so skip.

Then the doorbell rang. Mum was out so I got up off of my bed and looked out of the window to see who was at the door, it was dad. He hasn't given up he still wants me! Yay ! I still have someone left who wants me! I ran to the door and opened it with a huge smile on my face "Hello!" I said

"Megan I'm so sorry about last Saturday I didn't want it to happen like that and I didn't mean it when I said you were a mistake!" Dad said

"It's okay" I replied, forcing back the tears. Dad could see I was upset so he gave me a hug

"I'm really sorry" he whispered into my ear as we hugged. Then he pulled away "Do you want to try and meet them again?" He asked.

"I don't think that would be a good idea after last time, I just tore apart your family" I replied.

"I've spoken to them about you and they want to meet you" he said.

"But your wife left you because of me" I said, it made me feel really guilty but it was true.

"She drove off then came back again asking me to explain everything, so I did and she felt really bad for screaming at me and for Jay's reaction." Dad informed me.

"Do Jay and Tom want to see me?" I asked, I wanted my brothers to like me because I don't have any other siblings and have always wanted an older brother and now have two but I don't know if they want me to be their sister.

"Well Tom wants to see you but Jay... well... erm .... he is still kinda mad at me and at you as well" dad replied

"Okay" I said "Well at least I have one older brother."

"You should have two" dad replied "But we can make Jay change his mind, so do you want to come or not?" Well if two out of three members of my new family want to see met then it should be ok, right?

"Yes" I said "I do want to meet them again."

"Good" dad replied "Get in the car then." So I got in the car and dad drove me to his house. Hopefully everything would be okay this time.

They Said This Day Wouldn't Come (The Wanted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now