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*Jay's P.O.V*

What is going on? Why did Megs' mum just leave her like that? Just becasue she's moving in with us doesn't mean that she'll never see her again. We'd never stop Megs from seeing her mum, every child needs their mum!

"" she said again, still standing outside, in the rain in shock, looking down the road in the direction where her mum drove off.

"I...I.... n...need.... you... mum....d...don'" she whispered. I then turned to face Megs and pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay she's just angry, she'll call you later." I reasured her, well I tried to anyway.

"Come on" dad said "Let's go home". I grabbed Megs' hand and moved slowly towards the car, Megs moving with me, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

When we got home the lads were all waiting in the living room, looking out of the window, to see if Megs was with us or not. When they saw Megs get out of the car, I could see them smiling and running around. When we went into the front room they set of little party poppers and threw confetti over Megs which made her smile a little. They boys then ran over and gave her a hug to welcome her home but noticed her red puffy eyes from where she had been crying and immidetly changed from excited to worried.

"What's wrong Megs?" Nath asked

"My mum left me. She drove off and told me to have a fun life without her." she whispered, on the verge of tears.

"Oh Megs" Nath said and hugged her tight " How could she do that? How could she leave someone as amazing as you.". Megs smiled and hugged Nath back, crying into his chest.

"Because she doesn't want me any more." she replied, still crying.

"I'll always want you Megs, and so will the rest of the lads, we'll never ever leave you or hurt you." Nath said, rocking Megs from side to side.

"Yeah we'll always be here for you" I agreed "That's what big brothers are for, and your lucky enough to have six big brothers who will always be here for you." I smiled, I know that we will all stick by Megs through the good times and the bad times, we'll never leave her.

"He's right" Max said "We'll always be here for you Megs, whether we're a 2 minute walk or 3000 miles away we'll always be here for you." he has a good way with words.

"Exactly." Me, Siva, Tom and Nath agreed.

Megs has been at our house for nearly and hour now and is sitting on the sofa with Nath watching TV. I think she's calmed down a bit now and is okay, well she's stopped crying so that must mean something. Nath is hugging Megs and Megs is hugging him back, whilst laying on his chest. They both looked really comfy, lucky them. I'm squashed on a three seater sofa with Max and Siva then Tom is laying accross all of us.

Suddenly Megs threw a cushion at me to get my attention "Oi!" I said "That hurt."

"No it didn't it was a cushion Jay." she laughed.

"Why did you throw it at me?" I asked

"Because I wanted to ask you something." She replied.

"Ask away." I said.

"When are we going to get my stuff from mum's?" she asked. Hmmmmm that was a good question.

"Do you need your stuff?" I asked

"Well yeah, all of my clothes and school stuff is there so I at least need all of that." she replied.

"Oh okay, well when do you want to go?" I asked.

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