Last To Know

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Eugh Monday. I don't like Mondays. Especially after what happened over the weekend. I'm over Jacob now after a lot of convincing from Nathan and Jay and then from Lucy too. They had told me that I was too good for him and that he didn't deserve me. After a lot of persuading I agreed with them, he's not worth the tears.

Dad,Jay, Tom and Julie took me back to mum's at about four on Sunday and told me that they would be back soon to take me home, to their house to live. I am so excited! I never thought I would live with them all of the time but it looks like it might just happen. I can't believe it.

Before I get to excited though I've got to go to school. This could be interesting. "Bye mum!" I shouted as I went out of the door and got hit by the freezing cold December air.

I don't like walking to school, especially in the winter, but today I was kind of enjoying it. It gave me time to think about what to say to people when I got to school. I knew what they would be saying to me when I got there. They would ask me about Jacob and if I was sad or upset and why he broke up with me even though they probably already knew. That didn't bother me too much though, it was talking to Jacob that I was worried about. I have to sit next to him in nearly every lesson and things are gonna be really awkward. Never mind. Then my phone bleeped.

~New Message~

~From Jay~

Good luck today Megs, if he's nasty to you remember that you are to good for him and that he never deserved you in the first place. Don't show your nervous. xxx :)

~ Reply~

~ Sender Megan~

Thanks Jay, I'm sure it will be fine just a bit awkward maybe and how could you tell I was nervous? Have fun in the studio today! Make us proud like you always do! xxxxxx ;)

Jay was in the studio today recording some new songs for their album but he won't tell me anything about them! He's too good a keeping secrets.

I was interrupted by my thought of Jay by a familiar face smiling at me from the other side of the road. Jacob. I smiled back then looked back down at my phone, not wanting to make anymore awkward eye contact. Then my phone bleeped again, distracting me from Jacob.

~New Message~

~From Jay~

Hahaha I know you too well and don't try and sweet talk me to get me to tell you about what were recording by adding extra kisses to your text! It won't work!! Xx :P


~From Megan~

Grrrrrr you will tell me! I will get it out of you eventually!!! Xxxx ;)

When I walked into my form room my whole form looked round at me sympathetically. I smiled and went over to my locker to get my books.

They had obviously heard what had happened between me and Jacob and felt sorry for me. There was nothing to be sorry for, I am fine. I went and sat at my chair and Lucy came over to me to give me a hug.

"It's okay" she whispered in my ear "You don't need him" I smiled.

"I know." I replied "I'm fine" honestly, I genuinely wasn't feeling that bad! Well that was until they walked in.

The form room door opened to reveal Jacob and Ruth following closely behind. Very closely. Everyone turned round and stared at them then back at me. Why are thye looking at me? Ruth an Jacob are only walking into the room! Wait a minute they're holding hands! What's going on!? Ruth is one of my best friends, why is she holding my ex's hand?



Sorry it's been ages since I updated but I had loads of revision to do. Sorry if it's really bad and isn't long enough. Please leave a comment if you waant to tell me how to make it bettter. Thank you for reading

Megan :)

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