Replace Your Heart

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"N..Nath?" I said quietly, shocked at what I saw before me.

"What?" He asked and then turned around, "Oh." He said, sadness filling his face. "This is not what it looks like." He said. I just ignored him, picked up Jay's phone and walked out.

Did I really just see that? Nath and another girl, doing that. But he said he loved me, or was he just joking and trying to mess with my feelings?

I walked down the two flights of stairs slowly, still shocked at what I had just seen. I walked up to Jay and gave him his phone, then went into the garden, without saying a word to anyone.

"Megs" Jay called after me. I just ignored him, I don't want to talk to anyone. I closed the door behind me and sat on a bench at the bottom of the garden, where no one would notice me. I sat there with my head in my hands, feeling bad, really bad. I felt like I was being constantly punched in the stomach. Why did he cheat on me? In my own house, where I live, right under my nose. Does he purposely want to hurt me or something?

I'd been sitting on the bench for about 15 minutes, with my head in my hands , when I felt someone hug me from the side. I looked up to see who it was, it was Nath. "Get off me." I said and shrugged him off of me.

"Look Megs I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I've had a few to many drinks and I wasn't being me." Nath said, trying to get me to forgive him.

"Go away Nath." I replied, I don't have the energy to fight with him, I am emotionally drained.

"No, I'm not going away till you accept my apology." Nath said, determined to get me to forgive him. Well it's not going to happen, I've been hurt to much and forgiven people too many times.

"I'm not going to forgive you Nath. You said that you'd always be there for me and you'd never hurt me, but you did. You know how hard I find it to trust people after what happened between me and mum but yet you go and do that. Shows how I really shouldn't trust people." I said, then walked away.

Should I actually trust anyone because it seems that the people I trust and love the most just keep hurting me. First Mum and now Nath.

As I walked back into the house I could feel the tears trickling down my cheeks.

"Megs!" Nath shouted after me, I just ignored him and opened the door then went inside. I walked past all of the people dancing, singing and falling over and up to my room.

When I got up stairs the blonde Nath was with had gone but traces of her were still there. Bits of her hair extensions were on my bed and her fake tan had rubbed off onto my sheets. Eww. It looked disgusting so I pulled all of the sheets off of my bed and threw them on the floor. I then opened my wardrobe, turned the light on, closed the door, sat down and cried. Tears were streaming down my face, mascara and foundation running with them. I can't believe Nath cheated on me. It may seem stupid to be crying this much just because he cheated on me but I trusted him and now that trust is broken and he promised that he wouldn't hurt me, but here I am crying because of him.

*Jay's P.O.V*

Where's Megs gone? I saw her come inside from the garden but I don't know which way she went. Oh okay now Nath has come inside, he might know where she is.

"Hey Nath do you know where Megs is?" I asked as he shut the door behind him.

"Dunno." he said quietly.

"Nath, what's happened?" I asked, his eyes were blood shot and he was really pale.

"I can't tell you." he replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You'll hate me." Nath said, looking down at the ground.

"Why would I hate you? You're one of my best friends and my band mate, I could never hate you! Tell me what's wrong Nath." I replied, what would ever made him think that I'd hate him?

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