The Weekend

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The week has flown by since Monday. Monday was a busy day to say the least with me fighting with Jacob and nearly not moving in with Dad,and mum and Phil making up. Phil keeps coming to see mum every day now to see how she is. It's like their dating again- even though their marrried.

I don't care about what has happened in the week now though becuase it is Saturday which means ITS MY BIRTHDAY !!!!!! YAY !!!!!!!! 16 TODAY !!!!!!!!!! I'm not excited at all (note the sarcasm). Okay so I'm really excited because 16 seems like a really big birthday but no one has remembered my birthday.

I got up this morning and went downstairs but mum just said 'hi' and walked off. She's my mum she's supposed to remember my birthday!!! I wonder if Dad has rembered it's my birthday. He hasn't text me or called me and it's half ten already! He's always up at this time!!! I know I'll check facebook, see if anyone has posted on my wall.

Bethany ---> Megan

Happy birthday Smeggles !!!!!!! xxxx

Lucy ------> Megan

Happy birthday Smegs !!!!!!!! xxxxxxx

Ruth ----> Megan

Happy birthday Megan !!!!!! xxxxxx

Jacob ------> Megan

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGS !!!!!!!! xxxxx <3 <3

Okay so my friends have remebered that it is my birthday. Wait a minute why has Jacob posted on my wall he doesn't like me and I don't like him. Why has he put hearts at the end if his message ? He's up to something and I don't know what. That's worrying. Never mind it's my birthday and I'm not going to waste my time thinking about him.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate, snapping me out of my day dream. It was Julie. "Hello!!" I said cheerily

"Hello sweetie" she replied "Would you like to come shopping with me today?".

"Yes please!" I replied. I have a little bit of money saved up that I could spend.

"Okay then I'll pick you up at about 10:30" she said.

"Okay see you then!" I replied and hung up the phone. I then ran upstairs, had the quickest shower ever and put some black leggings, a blue t'-shirt, with matching converse and a baseball jacket on. I don't really do dressing up, I'm wear more casual, comfort clothes than nice dressy clothes. Then I brushed my long brown hair and left it half up and half down, put some mascara on and ran back downstairs with my bag and phone in my hand. I don't think I've ever got ready so quickly!

A few minutes later Julie knocked on the door and I left after saying bye to mum, I had told her I was going out with Julie and she said it was okay. When I got into the car I started thinking, dangerous I know, why did Julie want to take me shopping?

"Julie" I said

"Yes hun" she replied.

"Why do you want to take me shopping?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Because we need to buy you something nice to wear to go out tonight." she said.

"Where are we going tonight?" I asked.

"We are going to celebrate the boys finishing their third album!" she replied excitedly.

"Wow they've finished it now!" Yay, maybe Jay wil let me listen to it! "So where are we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise" she said.

"Just dress to impress".

"Okay!" I replied. I was excited about going out and celebrating the boys finishing their third album but its my birthday, surely they can't have forgotten. Never mind they've only known me for a month so I shouldn't expect them to remember my birthday.

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