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I walked all the way home and it took over an hour and a half! It's November as well so it is freezing!

When I got home my lips had started to turn blue and it felt like my fingers were going to drop off. I quickly ran upstairs put the heating on, put on another jumper and another pair of socks on, wrapped myself in my duvet,sat by the radiator and cried.

I cried and cried and cried.

That was it my whole family hated me. My mum ignores me, I made my step mum leave my dad and my brothers just told me to go, didn't even speak to me properly. What is the point of me even being here when all I do is make people's lives a misery?

Well that was on Saturday. It's now Monday and I still feel lonely and have no family. Well dad is still texting me but I told him that it would be best if I just left him to get back with his family which means me staying away. He disagreed with me though and keeps ringing me and texting me but I just ignore him. I've done enough without ruining his family even more.

It doesn't matter though because I've got to leave for school in ten minutes, wipe away the tears and put on a brave face. I haven't told any of my friends about my dad or my brothers or my mum ignoring me, I don't know what to say to them. I think they are starting to think that something is wrong though because they keep asking me if I'm okay and I just have to tell them I'm fine and move on. I can't let my non-existent family life being them down too.

"I'm glad you came" ,my iPod sang to me through my headphones whilst I was siting outside my form room waiting for my friends. It bought tears to my eyes hearing my brother singing but knowing the he didn't want to know me. I tried to hold back the tears but one managed to escape and roll down my cheek before I could stop it.

Then Lucy,one of my friends, began to walk closer to me, oh no, quick, wipe away the tear and smile before she realises something is wrong. "Hey!" I said in a cheery voice to Lucy

"Hey" she said "have you been crying?" She sounded worried.

"No." I replied.

"Are you sure?" She asked." You can tell me, I won't tell anyone, promise" I felt really bad not telling her but I just don't know how to tell her. Lucy has been my best friend for as long as I can remember and we always told each other everything but somehow I just didn't know how to tell her this.

" I know I can" I replied "but there is nothing to tell" she just smiled and said

"Okay but if you ever need to talk I'm here for you." I nodded in agreement and smiled I will tell her later.

The whole six hours if school passed an I still didn't tell Lucy. I just didn't know how to tell her. When I got home I went up to my room and sat on my bed. I looked at the walls around me and saw all the pictures of my brother and his band staring back at me. I couldn't face looking at them anymore so I got up and ripped them all up,tears streaming down my face in the process.

Then I logged onto twitter and changed my bio and @ name so that The Wanted were gone and were not associated with me anymore. I changed my bio to "it's complicated" because that's what it is. Complicated.

Then I logged onto Facebook and unliked all of the pages related to The Wanted which took me ages seeing as I had liked over fifty pages. I just couldn't face seeing them on my newsfeed anymore because it reminded me that Jay and Tom didn't want to know who I was even though I was their sister.

Then my phone rang. It was dad, again. He kept ringing me every five minutes but I didn't answer because he didn't deserve his family to be destroyed any more by me. I ignored the call then two minutes later got a answer phone message. I decided to listen to it even though I knew what he would say, "Megan please pick up the phone, I'm sorry it didn't go how I thought it would and that Jay told you to walk home in the cold he was just angry at me and took it out on you, please just call me back I've only just found you and I don't want to loose you" he sounded like he was crying, surely he would give up soon? That message just made me feel really guilty for not answering his calls, so I called him back.

"MEGAN!" He shouted down the phone at me "ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT? "

"I'm fine dad" I replied.

"Oh I'm so glad! After Tom said that Jay made you leave I was so worried! I thought you ...wait ...." He paused "did you call me dad?"

"Yes" I replied I didn't realise at first but yeah I did just call him dad.

"Wow" he said "I thought you would never call me dad"

"Well I just did" I replied smiling

"Anyway I'm so sorry that Jay threw you out! It was completely wrong of him to do that!" He continued

"It's okay" I replied "I can see why he's angry with me, I just turned up out of the blue and destroyed his family" there was silence at the other end if the phone, dad was obviously shocked by what I had just said.

"You have not destroyed our family Megan, this is not your fault, it's mine" dad replied.

"What it's your fault for creating a mistake?" I asked bluntly. Calling me a mistake had really hurt so I had every right to bring it up.

"Megan, I didn't mean it! You are an amazing person and not a mistake!" He replied

"Right." I said bluntly.

"Anyway" he said "Come back again next Saturday and we will make it better the boys and Julie will love you!"

"I don't think that would be a good idea after what happened last time, I don't want to break your family apart anymore" I replied and hung up the phone.

I had just lost my second chance with my dad's family. Not clever.

They Said This Day Wouldn't Come (The Wanted Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon