Where I Belong

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I woke up in the morning with a really bad headache from crying myself to sleep. I really didn't want to get out of bed. So I closed my eyes to go back to sleep again but then the door burst open making me jump. "HAPPY SYKES SUNDAY" he screamed, it was Nathan. I didn't reply, just pulled the duvet over my head so he couldn't see that I had been crying. Then he pulled the duvet cover off of my head "It's Sykes Sunday!" He shouted again, but a little quieter this time. I didn't want to talk to him so I picked up my iPod and listened to the six degrees of separation by The Script really loud, so loud that Nathan could probably hear it.

After a few seconds I realised that this song was not a good choice because I could feel my tears soaking into the pillow. Nathan spotted the stain of tears on my pillow and pulled me up, taking my headphones out of my ears and gave me a hug. "Hey, don't cry Megs" he said soothingly "He's not worth it. Come on you've still got a few more hours till you get dropped home and we want to spend it with you!" He was being really sweet saying that the others wanted to see me when they probably didn't but I still didn't feel like getting up.

"Thank you for helping Tom and Jay with my room" I said between tears and smiled, remembering that I was in my lovely new room.

"Your welcome!" Nathan replied "Jay showed us a picture of your reaction when you opened the door, it was really funny!" Jay took a picture? I didn't even realise! I was too busy taking in everything. I pulled back from Nathan's hug and looked around the room again. I still can't believe they did this for me. They haven't even known me that long but are willing to put in all of this effort to make me feel at home.

I do feel at home here, everyone is really nice to me and I feel like I fit in. I've haven't felt like I fit in at mum's house for a long time, I just feel unwanted. At dads I feel like I belong.

Then the door opened again and Jay came in, followed by Max, Tom and Siva. They all came and sat by me on my bed.

"Do you like your room then?" Max asked.

"Yes! I love it! I replied and gave him a hug and then gave the other boys a hug too. I hugged Tom last and he laughed at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Your hair!" He laughed. I looked round in the mirror and it was a mess. It was sticking up from where I had been tossing and turning in the night. I frowned and tied it up into a messy bun. "That's better." Tom said.

Then all of a sudden we heard a loud crash from downstairs. We all rushed downstairs to see what was going on. It was Tom, he'd dropped all of the pans out of the kitchen cupboard and onto the kitchen floor.

"Oops" he said as he started to pick all of the pans up off of the floor. I went over and helped him. Then just as I put the last pan on the worktop a bit of paper with my name on caught my eye.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Erm....." Jay said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well it's erm...." He continued struggling to find the right words.

"It's the paper work for dad to get custody over you and for you to live here." Tom said.

"Seriously?" I asked "You want me to live here? All the time?" I was shocked.

"Yeah" Tom replied "Dad was going to talk to you about it first before he did anything but he's just gone to the shops to get a few bits, he should be back soon. He isn't going to force you to live here, he was going to ask you and then if you said yes he would try and get custody over you." He seemed really happy when he said it, he really wanted me to stay.

"I'd love to live here!" I said and hugged Tom tightly with the biggest smile across my face. Tom hugged me back, also smiling.

"And you thought she wouldn't want to live here Jay!" Max said. "She doesn't look like she could be more excited!"

I couldn't be more excited! Life at mums was not nice, she still didn't speak to me even though I spoke to her so this could be my chance to have a happier life with my dad's family.

Wow. "I couldn't be more excited!" I exclaimed and they all laughed. Then dad walked in the front door. I ran up to him and hugged him. He laughed

"What is that for?" He asked surprised

"For my room and for trying to get me to come and live with you and Julie and Jay and Tom!" I replied. He hugged me back.

"So you like your room then and how do you know about me trying to get custody over you?" He asked happy but confused.

"I saw the letter on the side and asked what it was." I replied simply.

"Oh okay" he replied "So you want to come and live with us then?" He asked

"Yes!" I replied instantly "Well if that's okay with you, Julie, Jay and Tom"

"Of course it is!" He said "Do you not want to think about it first though, what about your mum?" He asked.

"She is still ignoring me and acts as if I don't exist" I replied "She's basically disowned me." I looked at the ground, not sure how he would react.

"How could she do that to you! She's supposed to be looking after you! Okay we need to get you living here as soon as possible so you can actually be looked after rather than ignored !" Dad replied. He went to the phone to ring a lawyer and start the process but then remembered it was Sunday and that they would be having a day off.

"We will start tomorrow." He replied "Then you can become a proper member of the McGuiness family." I smiled and hugged him again. It looks like my life is finally starting to get better.

They Said This Day Wouldn't Come (The Wanted Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant