Personal Soldier

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*Nathan's P.O.V*

When Ed finished singing we just stood there looking into each others' eyes. It was the perfect moment. I just wanted to lean down an kiss her but Jay was watching, and so were all of her friends. Also if I did kiss her it would probably take her a bit by surprise and she wouldn't kiss me back. I wish she knew how much I loved her.

*End of Nathan's P.O.V*

*Megan's P.O.V*

When Ed finished singing we both stood still looking into each others' eyes. It was the perfect moment. He kept looking from my eyes to my lips as if he wanted to kiss me. Who am I kidding? He wouldn't want to kiss me, I'm just a normal girl. He could get anyone in the world, why would he kiss me?

We were still looking into each others eyes when Jay interrupted my thoughts by tapping me on the shoulder. "You two alright there?' Jay asked

"Yeah" me and Nathan replied in unison. We then both looked back at each other and smiled then looked back at Jay.

"Did you like Your surprise?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes! I loved it Jay!" I replied and hugged him. He stumbled back with the force of my hug and laughed.

"I thought you'd like it" he replied.

"Now I think it's time we went home."

"What?" I said "But I don't want to go home! I having too much fun!"

"Well tough, it's almost 12 and Dad said not to party too late, besides you've still got to open your presents from us!" He replied.

"You got me presets as well? You shouldn't have! This party is enough!" I said to him.

"Well we have, so lets go!" He replied excitedly and grabbed my hand to pull me away and back to the car.

*Jay's P.O.V*

Megs and Nath seem a bit strange together today. When they were dancing together they didn't break eye contact. It was weird. Now the are siting next to each other in the van talking to everyone else as if nothing had happened. I'm so confused. I'll talk to Flyboy later when Megs goes to bed.

After a short drive home me, Megs and and the lads got out of the van and went into the house. Megs went in first and laughed when she saw what we (well Dad) had done to the house. Dad had left the party early with Julie and they had decorated the house in 'Happy 16th Birthday' banners and balloons.

"So that's why you left early dad" Megs said as we walked into the living room.

"Yeah, it's your sixteenth so we needed to put a few banners up!" He laughed.

"Thanks dad" Megs said and gave him a hug "No one's ever done anything like this for me before." She'll be getting this every year now probably till she's 21! Me and Tom won't let dad go as over the top as he used to anymore so he will just go even more over the top for Megs and he's missed her first fifteen birthdays so is going to make up for it in all of her other birthdays.

"PRESENT TIME!!!!" Max shouted excitedly, he sounded more excited than Megs and believe me she was very excited!

"Open my present first!" Siva said so Megs did. She unwrapped the flowery paper to reveal a tin, which inside had loads of chocolate brownies.

"Seev you made me brownies! Thank you!" She said. They looked delicious, I will definitely be asking Megs for some of those later. Seev definitely makes the best brownies I have ever tasted!

"Okay my present next!" Max said excitedly. Max handed Megs a small, soft present. I actually have no idea why this could be Megs then pulled back some of the spotty paper to reveal a light blue fabric. Oh I know what this is now!

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