Lie To Me

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"Well erm... There's a lot to explain and I'm not sure if you will believe me or not when you hear what I say." I started

"Just tell me" she said

"Okay well are you siting down?"

"Yes" she replied "just tell me"

"Okay, well you know I said that mum hadn't been talking to me and I didn't know why..." I said

"Yeah" she replied

"Well I found out why she isn't talking to me" I continued

"Why?!" She asked getting really excited.

"Because Phil isn't my dad and my real dad, Paul, had got in contact with her asking about me and asked if I was his daughter, which I am .Then he came knocking at the door and mum explained to me that he was my real dad."

"Wow." She said clearly lost for words "was that why you were crying,because she had lied to you for all those years?"

"No" I replied "That was because dad bought me to meet his wife and two sons and his wife walked out on him and one of his sons told me to leave and that I had destroyed his family." I said looking at Jay and he looked back at me guiltily."So I walked for an hour and a half until I got home, and being unprepared like I normally am, I didn't have a coat and when I got home I was going blue so put on more clothes, wrapped my self in my duvet and cried."

I looked at Jay again and the others were all looking at him too, I could see the guilt building up and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Oh my goodness Megan I'm not surprised you were crying! He sounds horrible! But that doesn't explain why you were kissed by Nathan Sykes and tweeted by Max George" this is where she might not believe me

"Okay Lucy, now can you promise me that you won't scream at me when I say this?" She paused for a minute

" Yes..." She said hesitantly

"My brothers are called Tom and Jay McGuiness" I replied and winced ready for her to scream at me,but she didn't

"And..." She said. I had forgotten that she wasn't a huge fan so didn't know their last names

" Google them then call me back." I said and hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Dad asked.

"That was my best friend Lucy, I've known her for, well as long as I can remember" I explained

"Oh" he said

"Why did you tell her to google Jay and Tom?" "Because she isn't a huge fan just a fan and doesn't know all of the guys last names so I told her to google then instead of me having her scream at me." I explained again.

"Oh okay, fair enough" he said. Then my phone started ringing again and I answered it

"AHHHHHHHH" Lucy screamed down the phone so I held it away from my ear and everyone just laughed "Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yes I am" I replied

"So are they with you now?" She asked

"Yes, and they heard you scream" I laughed "


"Sorry" I laughed

"I told you not to scream" "

You have some serious talking to do with me on Monday!" She said

"Okay" I laughed "See you on Monday" and hung up the phone.

"She's gonna kill me" I said laughing. Then Jay walked over to me and gave me a really big hug

"I'm so sorry about what I've done I never should have sent you out last week and I'm really sorry I haven't been talking to you" he said whilst crying into my shoulder.

"It's ok" I replied

"I can see why you were mad at me" and hugged him back. Everyone said "aww", they were obviously happy that Jay had forgiven me and Max was right, he did talk to me. Max obviously doesn't go back on a promise.


Awww so Jay and Megan made up sorry I only put one part up yesterday but I didn't have time to do two. Please comment I would love to hear some of your ideas about how I could make it better!

Megan xx

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