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Her eyes then fluttered open and looked up at Nathan who was still holding her in his arms.

"Hey Megs." Nathan smiled, obviously proud that he had managed to make Megs wake up and stop scaring us all.

"Hey" she croaked, her voice had gone a bit from all of the screaming.

"You alright?" He asked calmly.

"Yeah, why are you all in here?" She questioned.

"You were crying in your sleep and we were all worried about you." Nathan replied, not going into detail so that he didn't scare Megs.

"Oh, I'm fine must have just had a bad dream." She smiled, trying to convince us that she was fine. After knowing Megs for about 11 years I can tell when she is trying I cover something up, and this is one of those times. Megs has never liked being the centre of attention or people fussing over her, so she just says she's fine and moves on, hoping everyone will believe her and stop worrying about her. I can tell that right at this moment in time she can remember what she was dreaming about but won't tell us. Why can't she just be honest, then we can help her.

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked, clearly worried about Megs.

"Yup, I'm fine" she replied.

"Okay, I'm going back to bed, call me if you need anything." Nathan said, kissed Megs on the forehead and walked back downstairs.

"I'm gonna go back to bed too Megs, are you sure you're okay?" Jay said, moving away from me and sitting next to Megs on her bed.

"Yes Jay, I'm fine." She smiled.

"Okay, but if your ever not okay just come and speak to me." He replied.

"I will Jay" she said, then Jay gave Megs a hug, then me and went downstairs to his room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, knowing that Megs was hiding something.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Megs replied.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep so I don't look tired when I meet the rest of The Wanted tomorrow!" I replied excitedly. Megs laughed.

"Okay night." She said then laid down in he bed and went to sleep. I will find out what's wrong with her.

*The Next Day*

"Ruthhh" Megs softly called. I didn't reply, I am not getting up yet, it's to early. "Ruthhhhh" She called a bit louder. I'm still not getting up. "RUTH" Megs shouted.

"Okay, okay I'm awake!" I replied, she may be small but she can shout very loudly, well we learnt that last night.

"Good, Nath's trying to make breakfast and I've put some towels in the bathroom for you." Megs replied, a smile creeping across her face.

"Okay, thanks and is he a good cook?" I asked.

"I have no idea, we'll just have to find out." Megs shrugged, then walked downstairs.

I went down half an hour later, after having a shower, getting dressed, drying my hair and applying some light make up, to find Nathan attempting to make pancakes and Megs trying to help, and for some reason she was also covered in four.

"What happened to you?" I asked whilst walking over to Megs.

"Nath asked me to get the flour out of the cupboard and when I opened the cupboard Jay had put it right on the edge of the shelf so that when I opened the cupboard the flour fell all over me.

"So, where's Jay now?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"He's in the shower because I threw an egg at him." Megs replied.

They Said This Day Wouldn't Come (The Wanted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now