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"WE'RE HOME!" I shouted as me and Ruth walked through the front door. Today was the day Ruth was coming so stay and she has talked about nothing apart from coming to stay for the last week. She's a big fan of The Wanted so the chance to meet Jay is a dream come true. I didn't tell her that the lads were normally there too because she might have screamed, which would have hurt because she is a very loud screamer.

Jay then came running through the living room and into the hallway, slipping on the laminate flooring and falling flat on his face. Well done Jay, great first impression.

"Jay seriously? How many times have you slipped over because you run to the door?" I asked, helping him up.

"Erm... quite a few. I was just excited to meet your friend, that's all." he replied, cheeks going red with embarrassment. Ruth then blushed too and a big smile formed across her face. I suppose it's not every day that you favorite member of you favorite boy band is excited to meet you. Jay then looked Ruth up and down. "Wow Megs you are small." Jay laughed. I then hit him with my English folder, which has a lot of stuff in it so can be used as a weapon if you hit someone with it. "OW! That hurt!" Jay said, rubbing his arm.

"Serves you right. Anyway Jay this is Ruth, Ruth this is Jay." I said gesturing to each of them.

"Hey." Jay said, engulfing her in a hug.

"Hey" she said back "It's nice to meet someone taller than me." Jay laughed,

"It's nice to meet someone who's not really small." he said "Not that there's anything wrong with small people." he continued quickly before I hit him with my folder again.

"Good save Jay" Ruth laughed.

"Come on Ruth let's go and leave Jay to do what he was doing before." I said before any short jokes go put into the conversation.

"Fine I'll go back and talk to Nath on Skype then..." Jay replied, knowing that I would want to go with him.

"Come on Ruth, let's go speak to Nath." I said and showed her towards Jay's room.

*Ruth's P.O.V*

"Come on Ruth, let's go speak to Nath." Megs said excitedly and showed me towards Jay's room. I can't believe I am walking towards THE Jay McGuiness' room to talk to THE Nathan Sykes. This has to be the most amazing moment of my life right now. Jay connected the Skype call whilst me and Megs sat down on the sofa in his room.

"You excited?" Megs asked, knowing full well that I wanted to scream right now to show how excited I was but was holding it back so I didn't look weird in front of Jay.

"Hmmmm... let me think ..... YES !!" I replied, with the biggest grin across my face. Megs laughed at my excitement, but I know full well that if she wasn't related to Jay and met Jay or any of the boys she would cry a lot and I would be the one laughing. But I suppose she's used to seeing Jay and the boys a lot now so isn't really starstruck any more.

"It's connecting!" Jay shouted then came and sat between me and Megs. I looked towards the screen to see the connecting sign coming up before Nathan Sykes' face appeared on the screen. Omg. I'm actually on Skype with Nathan Sykes from The Wanted, my favorite band. 'Eeeeeeeee !!!' fly impression in my head.

"Hey Jay, hey Megs and hey .... Ruth is it ?" Nath said, whilst waving to the camera, he remembers me, OMG !!!

"Hey, yeah that's me." I replied back, my smile taking over my face.

"You were the one that slapped Jacob round the face at Megs' party! That was awesome by the way." Nath said, haha my temper is quite useful sometimes.

They Said This Day Wouldn't Come (The Wanted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now