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I stepped out of the car after the half an hour journey and fear took over me again. What if Dad had made it up and they didn't want to meet me? What if they started arguing again?

I can't do this!

I froze and didn't move from the spot on the driveway where I was standing. Dad saw me and took my hand, "It will be ok. I'm sure of it this time!" He said

"Okay." I replied and breathed out deeply. This was it, my second chance to get along with my dad's family. Maybe my last chance.

He put the key in the door, turned it quickly and pushed the door open. "This way" he said to me. So I obligingly followed him, taking in all of the things I saw in his beautiful house. Then he stopped in the kitchen and sat down on a stool, and pulled one out for me to sit on, so I went and sat on it. Tom and Julie were sitting opposite me with big smiles on their faces but Jay was no where to be seen.

"Okay, well Megan, this is Tom one of my sons and this is Julie, my wife!" Dad told me gesturing to Tom and Julie

"Hello" I said shyly. I already knew who they were after meeting them last weekend but I guess dad wanted to start fresh and make it seem like we had just met.

"Hello sweetie" Julie replied "I'm so sorry about the other day, I was just confused and angry at your dad, I didn't mean to hurt you"

"That's okay" I replied, I knew she didn't aim her screams at me.

"Hi" Tom said after I had finished talking to Julie, " I'm glad that I'm meeting you properly rather than last time when Jay sent you out before I got a chance to talk to you. Speaking of Jay where is he?" Tom asked

"I think he's upstairs" Julie replied.

"I'll go get him" Tom said and he ran up the stairs in search for Jay.

Whilst he was gone Julie started talking to me about life in general really. How I was, what school did I go to, when was my birthday and if I had a boyfriend. I laughed when she asked me if I had a boyfriend because none of the boys at my school would ask me out in a million years. It was kinda nice of her to ask though because she was acting like she was my real mum. I felt like I belonged in their family.

Five minutes later Tom came running down the stairs "Did you know the others are up there with him?" Tom asked. Who are 'the others?, I thought to myself.

"No" Julie replied "but when they have time off they do come here for a few hours sometimes." I was still confused, who were 'the others'?

"Anyway" Tom started "Jay didn't want to come downstairs, I'll try again later."

"Oh, okay" I replied, he obviously didn't like me then, which is kind of unfair because he hasn't even spoken to me but yet has decided that he doesn't like me.

Hours past and we just sat and talked about everything. Dad an Julie told me loads of embarrassing stories about Tom and he just sat there with his head on his hands laughing with embarrassment. The stories they told were really funny but I felt a bit sorry for Tom because his face was like a tomato from blushing so much.

Then just as we were laughing at another embarrassing story, Jay walked into the kitchen followed by 'the others'.


Sorry if it is a bit boring, so who are 'the others' ????? Find out in the next part !

Thank you for reading xx :)

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