Lose My Mind

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Oh. My. Days. The others. There was four of them and I knew who all of them were.

They were Tom Parker, Max George, Siva Kanaswaran and last but certainly not least, Nathan Sykes. I could not believe my eyes. The Wanted were standing in front of me, in the same room as me, what the ... Am I dreaming? No I'm not because my brother is Jay McGuiness. Wow. My friends would be so jealous right now if they knew I was in the same room as The Wanted. They don't even though I have a brother, let alone a famous brother who's in The Wanted! Wow. I still can't believe my eyes!

I looked them all up and down and then I saw Jay and he just looked at me with anger and disgust, proof that he did not like me.

"You must be Megan!" Max said, "Tom told us all about you when he came to get Jay! It's great to meet you!" I smiled. Then Max gave me a big hug "He'll talk to you soon, I promise." He whispered into my ear. Aww he was so sweet.

Then he stood back and looked me up and down "She's got your eyes Jay!" Max said to Jay. Jay looked at me, shrugged, then looked away again, not bothering to say anything.

"Jay your being stupid not speaking to your sister, you always said that you wanted a younger sister and now your chance!" Tom said coming over to me and hugging my shoulders. Jay gave him evils.

"She's not my sister." He replied bluntly. I looked down, not wanting to show how upset I was that he didn't want to be my brother.

"She's you step-sister Jay so is still your sister, now stop being an idiot and give her a hug!" Nathan said, then he ran over to me and gave me a really long hug. It has to have been the best hug out of the boys so far! Then he gave me a little kiss on the cheek and I blushed.

Nathan Sykes just kissed me, oh if only my friends knew they would be screaming at me right now! Then I heard a camera shutter, Max had taken a picture of Nathan kissing me on the cheek

"What's your twitter name?" He asked " @ Megan... Why?" I asked "Because I want to tweet you" he replied mischievously.I knew full well what he was going to tweet, the picture of Nathan kissing me. "Don't you dare!" I said and ran over to him, trying to grab his phone, but he put it above his head so I couldn't reach it and clicked tweet.

"Too late!" He said with a cheeky grin on his face, that was my cover blown all my friends would be asking loads of questions now. "Thanks." I said sarcastically "Now I will have to try explain to all of my friends why I was with you guys" "So you haven't told them about your mum or me or Julie or your brothers?" Dad asked surprised

"No" I replied "I didn't know how to and they would probably act differently if they knew about me being related to Jay"

"We're not related." Jay said bluntly

"Yes you are" dad said " and I can see why it might be hard seeing as you go to a normal school with no other people who are related to celebrities"

"That's because I am normal" I replied "so I go to a normal school" I thought it was pretty obvious that I was normal and no one special.

"Your not normal now" Siva said

"Why not?" I asked

"Because the whole world knows that you are related to Jay after the tweet that Max sent" I gave Max evils and he smiled at me

"Enjoy fame!" He said and put both of his thumbs up. Then my phone started vibrating. Twitter was going mad! I had got over 3000 new followers and my mentions were full of people tweeting me! Most of the tweets were nice but some were people were sending me hate, but it didn't really bother me. Then five mentions caught my eye, my friends Lucy, Beth, Sophie, Ruth and Bede had all tweeted me and sent me a DM asking what was going on. How was I supposed to reply?

"You made this mess so you reply" I said to Max handing him my phone and showing him the messages form my friends

"Oh" he said and handed me back my phone. Then I got a notification from Facebook. Ruth had put the photo of Nathan kissing me of Facebook and tagged me in it. The caption said 'Dream come true, Megan got kissed by Nathan Sykes, if you don't believe me check Max George's twitter he tweeted the picture!' Great. Now everyone would be suspicious. 5 minutes later my phone was still going off. The picture had got over 100 likes and all of my friends were commenting on it. Then my phone rang, it was Lucy

"Ok explain to me now" she said.

They Said This Day Wouldn't Come (The Wanted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now