A Good Day For Love To Die

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"Hey Megan" Jacob said when he picked up the phone

"Hey Jacob, sorry I didn't pick up earlier Jay wanted me to go on stage but I said no and..." I started but Jacob stopped me.

"Megan" he said seriously.

"Yeah.." I said, the happiness in my voice fading.

"We need to talk" he replied.

"About what?" I asked worrying about what he was going to say next.

"About ..." His voice was cut off by the boys storming into the dressing room shouting and laughing.

"Sorry I didn't hear you the boys were being too loud." I shouted down the phone, barely being able to hear myself over the sound of them shouting .

" I'll call you back later." He replied and hung up the phone. What was that all about?

"Who was that?" Jay asked. What do I say, do I tell him the truth?

"Jacob" I replied.

"Ohhhh who's Jacob?" Tom asked.

"No one" I replied. I'm so bad a hiding things.

"He must be someone then!" Jay replied.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Max teased. What should I say now?!

"Erm.... No..." I said trying to cover up that he was my boyfriend but failing completely.

"Oh my days he is your boyfriend!" Jay shouted. Great, that was my cover blown.

"You told mum that you didn't have a boyfriend!" Jay said.

"Well we hadn't been going out long then" I replied trying to cover up that I had lied to Julie.

"So when can I meet him!?" Jay asked excitedly.

"I don't know! I was trying to talk to him but you lot were too loud and I couldn't hear him so he said he'd call me back later." I replied.

"Well when he rings back say I want to meet him. I've got to tell Tom!" Jay replied and then got out his phone to call Tom.

"Tom guess what!? Megan's got a boyfriend! He's called Jacob!" Jay said excitedly down the phone to Tom. Why do I have to be so bad at hiding things? Jay wouldn't have found out if I was better at hiding things! Never mind what's done is done I can't go back on it now.

"Come on guys it's time to go home now! Everyone in the mini bus!" Jayne called across the dressing room. We had been here for a good few hours now just talking, mostly about me and Jacob. Well everyone had been talking apart from Nathan he just stayed quiet and listened to the conversation but didn't say anything. A bit strange really seeing as he normally has something to say about everything.

We all walked towards the mini bus still hyper from everything we had done today. Today must have been one of the best days of my lives but there was still something playing at the back of my mind. What did Jacob want to talk about? Then just as I sat in the mini bus my phone rang. It was Jacob. I breathed out deeply then answered the phone

"Hey!" I said in a cheery voice.

"Hey" Jacob replied but not as happlily as I had spoken to him

"Okay we need to talk" he continued like he from where he left off earlier.

"What about?" I asked, still worried about what he was going to say, everyone went silent, trying to listen to my conversation.

"About us." he replied seriously

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't love you anymore, I'm in love with someone else." he replied, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Who?" I asked.

" I can't say" he replied.

"Why not?!" I asked, trying to get it out of him.

"Becasue you are too close to them, sorry Megan" he replied and hung up the phone. I could not believe it. Jacob had just dumped me for someone who I am 'close to'. I tried to hold back the tears that pricked in my eyes but I couldn't hold them back and they rolled down my cheeks. I then bought my knees to my chest and cried. I loved him and he said he loved me, why would he dump me for someone 'close to me' that is the number one thing you don't do becasue too many people get hurt!

"What's wrong Megs?!" Jay asked sounding really worried. He was sitting one side of me with Nathan on the other. I didn't reply.

"Megs?" he asked.

"You can tell me you know, I won't get angry or anything" he sounded really worried.

"It's Jacob" I sobbed into my knees. Nathan immediately turned to face me to hear more clearly what I was saying.

"What about him?" Jay asked, was it not obvious?

"He broke up with me becasue he loves someone else" I sobbed into my knees, still shocked at what he had done.

"Aww it's okay Megs" Jay said pulling me towards him for a hug.

"No it's not" I replied bluntly between tears.

"Why not?" Jay asked.

"Becasue he said they he loves someone who I'm close too, so he must be with one of my friends." I replied. The whole mini bus was silent apart from the sound of me crying. No one knew what to say because being dumped by someone for one of your friends was pretty bad and was hard to look on the bright side at

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