Black & Blue

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Sasuke had always tried to avoid walking alone at night. Despite the campus lights it was dark enough to make him paranoid. He figured that Orochimaru would have left campus by that time given it was far later than Sasuke's usual schedule. Usually if he were out after dark it meant that hew as going somewhere with someone else and didn't feel a need to worry. That night was different, that night he was alone.

He had been meeting with the people he had been paired with for his History 101 class. They had agreed to split the project by section and would make it cohesive towards the end of the semester, which he knew was code for someone not doing their share and the rest of them picking up the slack last minute. It was fine with him; he hated group projects and preferred to do extra work rather than meeting up to work on it together.

As he walked through campus he reluctantly decided to take a shortcut through the parking lot near the dorms. It had poor lighting but was small and he figured he could cross it quickly without incident. The lot was empty due to classes having been long done and most people that didn't reside in the dorms had left campus. Sasuke was on high alert as he crossed the dimly lit parking lot. His heart started to race when he heard a rustle in the bushes. He let out a deep breath when he saw a stray cat come out of the bush.

When Sasuke turned to continue walking he was face to face with a very familiar set of eyes. He looked around but no one was in sight. His heart sunk when he noticed the man had managed to find the one blind spot in the campus cameras' range. The paralyzing fear prevented him from doing anything other than stare at Orochimaru.

"Hello Sasuke," the man grinned. "Let's take a ride," he roughly pushed Sasuke into his nearby car. It felt like an out of body experience as he obeyed Orochimaru's demands. "I've missed this," the older man smirked; satisfied with the affect he had on the teen.

Sasuke looked out the window as they drove. He knew exactly where they were going. It was the only pace he had the privacy to do whatever he wanted. "My roommate will notice if I'm not back," he finally gained the courage to say.

"You mean Naruto?" the man scoffed. "He's out with friends, I don't think he'll be home for a while. Who knows, maybe he'll find someone to go home with," the man taunted.

"How do you know that?" Sasuke's eyes widened as he realized he wasn't the only one Orochimaru had been keeping tabs on.

"When it comes to you, I know everything." His words were ominous and made him realize that no one around him was truly safe.

"Leave them out of this," his voice was shaky. He was terrified at the thought of other people getting hurt because of him. He didn't want someone in danger just because they were associated with him in some way.

"We'll see," it was left unsaid that the way he handled the current situation would determine the outcome. If he were 'good' then nothing bad would happen to them, but if he were 'bad' and fought back he'd be putting other people at risk.

They were silent the rest of the drive. The Uchiha manor was secluded and the perfect place for complete privacy. There were no nearby neighbors to hear or see anything. He could do whatever he wanted without anybody knowing. Sasuke didn't say anything when they arrived; he simply followed directions, feeling helpless in that moment.

Once inside he was immediately shoved against the wall. He wasn't sure what it was but he could feel a sharp edge against his back. "You think you can kick me and get away with it?" the older man growled before throwing Sasuke to the floor. There was a swift kick to his gut. This time the man didn't hold back, "You need to be taught a lesson"

Orochimaru lifted him up from the ground. "You're pathetic," he spat as he held Sasuke against the wall by the neck. After a moment he seemed to have realized it could leave a visible bruise and dropped him.

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