After Class

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Naruto looked at Sasuke getting ready for class, he couldn't help but think that something was missing. Sasuke was doing his normal routine that much he was sure of, not that he had it memorized, but something was out of place. Then it dawned on him, "Where's Suigetsu?" The two had a habit of hanging out before class ever since the first day of classes.

"He's sick," was Sasuke's simple yet somehow shaky reply. He didn't look at him for some odd reason. He had been quieter than usual and it was a little concerning. Sasuke was already a quiet person, but that morning he might as well have been mute.

"Oh," Naruto said. He didn't know what else to say to his roommate. He found him to be a puzzle that was impossible to figure out no matter how hard he tried. "Well, I'll see you in math, I'm heading over to Kiba's."

"There's no way that he'll be up right now," Sasuke said as the blonde grabbed his things for math, knowing he'd be there until he had to go to the class.

"I know, that's half the fun," he grinned, causing Sasuke to shake his head. Naruto walked out the door laughing. He walked over to Kiba and Shino's room, knowing that Shino was bound to be up at this hour, he was an early riser like Sasuke. The difference was that Kiba could sleep through anything and Shino was a lot more thoughtful of the fact that his roommate was sleeping than Sasuke ever was so Naruto had gotten used to getting up at the same time as Sasuke. The blonde knocked on the door, waiting for Shino to answer.

Once the door opened Shino immediately said, "He's sleeping."

"Doesn't mean I can't wake him up," Naruto grinned, Shino didn't even try to argue and just let him in. He may be thoughtful and not wake him up himself, but he didn't seem to care if Naruto woke him up.

"Wake up, buddy," Naruto said as he started jumping on Kiba's bed next to him, eventually sitting on his best friend.

"Come on moron, you're heavy," Kiba said in a half awake voice. "And you're going to break my bed."

"Are you calling me fat?" Naruto said in fake anger. "I'm offended."

"I'm not awake enough for this Naruto," Kiba groaned in an annoyed voice.

"That's why it's fun," Naruto laughed, causing Kiba to push him off and onto the floor.

"You dick, that hurt," he rubbed his shoulder while he got up off the floor. He was probably being a little dramatic, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. He probably deserved it and would have done the same to Kiba if he'd woken him up, but that wasn't the point.

"Serves you right," Kiba said as he sat up, glaring at the blonde in front of him.

"That look doesn't scare me, you should see the ones that Sasuke gives me," he smiled, quickly getting over the fall.

"Must you find a way to bring Sasuke into every conversation?" Kiba asked as he rubbed is eyes, trying to wake up. It was far too early to hear Naruto go on about Sasuke. He needed an energy drink or something before he could deal with Naruto's obsession with the other teen.

"I do not," Naruto denied, not even realizing he'd been doing it.

"Yeah you do," Shino agreed. He'd had to listen to numerous conversations about Sasuke whenever Naruto came to their room.

"Who asked you?" Naruto glared.

"Would you just make-out with him, or fuck him, or whatever it is you want to do with him, and get it over with so I stop having to hear about him?" Kiba asked. "Either that or I'll bring up Hinata in every conversation."

"Fine, fine, I get it," Naruto said. "I won't bring up Sasuke the rest of the day," he promised, raising his hands in mock defeat.

"You say that, but you don't even realize you do it," Kiba told him. He knew the blonde didn't mean to always bring up Sasuke, but he always ended up talking about him in some way.

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