Drunk and Tolerable

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A week went by in silence, for Naruto it was a week of torture. He hated to be ignored and found it to be worse when it was Sasuke ignoring him. He looked over at Sasuke and saw him reading. Naruto smiled as he felt that it was his chance to make him talk. The other teen wasn't truly busy and he seemed relaxed enough. "Will you please just talk to me?"

Sasuke ignored him and Naruto couldn't help but feel this routine was getting really old. "Fine, if you're going to be quiet then I'm just going to talk," he said, earning a glare from Sasuke but he didn't say anything. "I couldn't do it, okay. I wanted to read your stupid journal, but I couldn't invade your privacy like that. I know it was wrong of me to even grab it in the first place, but I couldn't help it, I want to know what's going on and you refuse to let me in."

Sasuke tried to ignore him, but he couldn't, Naruto wouldn't let him. "You had it in your hand," Sasuke said, finally breaking his silence. Naruto didn't care that it was in anger, he was just happy he was talking to him.

"I know, I told you I was thinking about it, but I couldn't do it," Naruto hoped Sasuke would believe him. He didn't know how explain it to the raven so that he would forgive him.

Sasuke thought about what Suigetsu had said, but he still couldn't bring himself to just forgive Naruto. "How can I trust you?" Sasuke looked at him as he got off his bed. "The fact that you even thought about looking at it with out my permission just makes me angry."

Naruto was silent for a while as the two stood, staring at each other. It was as if they were both trying to figure out what to do. "I know it was wrong and I don't know what I can do to make you forgive me," Naruto finally said quietly.

"I don't know if I can forgive you," Sasuke sighed. Naruto had betrayed his trust, he wasn't sure if there was any way that he'd be able to earn it back. He looked at the blonde, who seemed to be absolutely defeated, so he added, "But I can tolerate you." He didn't know why he added it; the words just came out of his mouth. Some part of him didn't like seeing the blonde so sad and that bothered him.

Naruto smiled, in an instant his whole attitude turned around as he said, "Great to celebrate, we're going out tonight. I'm sure there's a party somewhere."

"I said I would tolerate you, not be your friend," Sasuke reminded him. He was already starting to think that tolerating the blonde might be a bad idea.

"Doesn't mean we can't go to a party, it'll be fun," Naruto continued to grin.

Sasuke sighed; he knew either way he'd get dragged along. Somehow the blonde had that effect on him and was able to get him to do things he wouldn't usually do. He tried to act like he was being forced, but really he had his own free will and could say no if he really wanted to, so he didn't understand why it was so hard to do when it came to Naruto.


Naruto barged into Kiba's room, knowing he kept it unlocked when he was there. "Thanks for knocking," Kiba said sarcastically, as the blonde sat down. Naruto ignored his comment, he was too happy for his best friend to ruin his good mood.

"I have a plan, but first we need to find a party to go to tonight," Naruto told him. He had the smile on his face that told Kiba he was going to do something stupid.

"I'm sure there's one somewhere," Kiba shrugged. "What's your plan?"

"Sasuke said he'd tolerate me, so I'm going to get him drunk," the blonde smiled, as if the rest was obvious.

"And then what?" Shino asked from his spot on his bed. He was always skeptical of Naruto's plans, especially since many of them never turned out the way the blonde wanted them to. His plans rarely ever went the way he intended and generally spiraled into a mess of Naruto's own making.

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