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Itachi stood outside of the dormitory that Sasuke told him he was in, checking the name and room number before heading up to see his brother. He was about to walk in and find the room when he heard his name being called, "Itachi!" It was a voice he knew well so he stopped and turned to face the teen running to catch up with him.

"Hello Suigetsu," Itachi greeted him as he stopped in front of him. He knew that the light haired teen was Sasuke's best friend and one of the few people who knew everything. Sasuke had broken down when he told Itachi that Suigetsu knew, concerned about what would happen. Itachi almost hoped that Suigetsu would tell someone else, but he was a better friend than that and wouldn't betray Sasuke's trust. He was happy his brother had someone like that in his life.

"Hey, Sasuke told me you were coming," he said as he caught his breath. "He's still in class so he wanted me to meet you," Suigetsu explained. "I have his key so we can go up to his room and wait for him."

Itachi nodded. "I see, let's talk," he said as he started to walk into the dormitory. "You'll be honest with me, right?" Itachi then asked, getting straight to the point.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Suigetsu said. He knew that Itachi would want to know everything that had been going on, but that was a lot to fit into a short walk and he wasn't sure if Naruto would be in the room when they got there. He wasn't particularly comfortable telling Itachi everything out in the open and knew he had to keep it fairly vague in case someone overheard them.

"I know Sasuke won't be honest with me. He is going to try to show me that I didn't need to come down here, so I need you to tell me the truth," Itachi explained. "How is he?" He already knew the answer, but he needed to know the full extent of the damage.

"He has his good days," Suigetsu said, not wanting to worry his Itachi too much. He knew Sasuke's older brother was very protective and it wasn't his story to tell.

"I know a but is coming," Itachi said, expecting him to continue. He could tell Suigetsu was holding back. Between how Sasuke sounded on the phone and Suigetsu's nervous tone it was clear something bigger happened.

"Well Orochimaru is a problem still," Suigetsu sighed. "It seems like he's everywhere, you know? I can always tell when he's had a run in with him because his whole attitude changes." Suigetsu didn't want to cross a line, knowing that he needed to hear it from Sasuke.

"What do you mean by run in?" Itachi asked as he stopped walking. He looked at Suigetsu for explanation.

Suigetsu looked at Itachi, feeling that it should be Sasuke telling him all of it. However, he knew Sasuke would leave a lot out for his brother. "He's been showing up at his work or around school. There were some incidents, but I think Sasuke should be the one to tell you," Suigetsu explained.

Itachi sighed and started walking again, knowing that was all he'd be getting out of Suigetsu. "Anything else I should know?" Itachi asked. It didn't surprise him that Orochimaru was the cause of the problem once he found out the man was on campus.

"Well, I don't know that it's really a problem," Suigetsu started, causing Itachi to give him a confused look. Suigetsu started explaining, "Sasuke's roommate always wants to know what's going on with Sasuke. He'll be asking questions the whole time you're here." Itachi just nodded, happy to be warned about his little brother's roommate. While he didn't particularly want to deal with a nosy roommate, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.


Naruto was sitting in his room, trying to figure out his math homework. He hated math and wished Sasuke would help him but he knew it was his own fault that he refused. When the door opened, he expected to see Sasuke because he knew that he locked the door. He was surprised to find Suigetsu walking into the room.

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