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Sasuke leaned over the sink, half-naked as he stood in the bathroom. It was the day before classes started and he was trying to find some peace and quiet. Ever since Suigetsu and Kiba became friends they dragged him and Naruto everywhere. He knew that they were trying to get them to be friends too but so far it wasn't working. He didn't want to be friends, he had enough friends and it worried him that he felt any kind of attraction towards Naruto. In short, Sasuke felt that he didn't need to be hanging out with him more than was necessary.

Attraction was something new to him. Sasuke usually didn't let people close enough to him to feel anything. In fact, he had made it his goal to not let people close to him. He had told himself years ago that if he never let anyone in then he could never be hurt by anyone else. He didn't think that he had let Naruto close, yet he was making him blush and his heart race a little faster.

Sasuke splashed water on his face, as if it would wash away all his thoughts and worries. "Damn it," he said to himself as he looked into the mirror. He could still see the bruises Orochimaru left, though they were fading a little, they were easy to see on his pale skin. He wished they would just go away. He thought that maybe if the bruises disappeared, he could actually forget what happened, he could finally make his face vanish from his memory. Deep down he knew the fear would ever go away. That kind of trauma didn't disappear just because the bruises faded.


Naruto walked into the room, annoyed to no end. He just wanted to take a shower because he felt so disgusting. "Pay back's a bitch," Kiba had said as he showed him the video or "blackmail" he'd taken on his phone of Naruto getting drunk at the party the other night. There was video of him dancing on tables, dancing with random people, making out with random people and the entire time Kiba was laughing.

Kiba's only response was, "Hey at least I didn't let people do worse." All Naruto could think was that he probably did do worse; Kiba just didn't show him anything worse.

The blonde didn't hear the shower running, so he didn't bother knocking, even though he didn't see Sasuke in the room. He seen they guys that they share a bathroom with, Chouji and Shikamaru, on his way to the room and he figured Sasuke was with his friends. Thinking that it was logical in his head, he opened the door to see Sasuke staring back. Naruto's eyes widened as he stared at Sasuke's chest. His eyes wandered down his chest, not only looking the muscles he'd gained from years of playing sports, but the bruises that seemed perfectly placed so he could hide it under his clothing. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he asked, "Why are you all bruised up?"

"Why don't you knock?" Sasuke replied with a glare as he put on his shirt. He wouldn't admit that it was really his fault Naruto was able to get in the bathroom since he didn't lock the door on their side. He looked over and confirmed he'd locked the other door; he wasn't sure how he missed theirs.

Naruto couldn't help but think that if Sasuke's chest weren't bruised it would look very nice. "I didn't think anyone was in here," Naruto answered weakly as he stared at Sasuke. He was still waiting for an answer to his question, wondering why Sasuke just ignored it in the first place. His mind was spinning at all of the possibilities.

"Well, you were wrong," he said as he brushed past him, angrily. "Try knocking next time," he mumbled as he started to walk away.

Naruto caught his arm and angrily pulled him to look at him, "Wait a minute, are you going to answer my question."

Sasuke seemed to freak out for a moment at the simple touch; he looked frightened like a wild animal trapped in a cage. It wasn't as if Naruto's grip was tight so he wasn't sure what would make him react in such a way. "I don't think it's really any of your business, but I got bruised up playing football the other day," Sasuke claimed with a straight face once he calmed down.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now