The Journal

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It had been a week since the day Suigetsu had missed class and he had yet to hear what had happened to Sasuke the day he was absent. He knew that if he pushed him too much the other man would shut down completely and that was the last thing he wanted to happen. He was worried but when he tried asking about it Sasuke would avoid the topic at all costs. "You have to talk about it sooner or later," Suigetsu said as they sat in the "Student Union" which was really just a glorified food court that connected to a student lounge.

"I don't want to talk about it, nothing happened," Sasuke said as he played with his food. They had been sitting there for nearly a half hour and Sasuke had hardly touched his food. He had been even quieter than usual the past week, which was concerning given he hardly talked to begin with. Sasuke had closed himself off from everyone, including Suigetsu.

"Obviously something did," Suigetsu argued. "You're hardly eating and you won't talk to anyone except to respond and when you do respond it's so short it can hardly be called a response." He was starting to get really worried about his friend and wished that he had gone to class that day no matter how sick he may have felt. He knew that he shouldn't blame himself but he couldn't help but feel that he should have known better than to let Sasuke go to Orochimaru's class alone.

"Look, just leave me alone. I'm fine, okay?" Sasuke said, shoving a piece of food in his mouth as if to prove his point. Suigetsu wasn't convinced; he knew Sasuke better than that. He knew that he wasn't okay in the slightest.

Suigetsu thought about calling Itachi, but knew that would probably only make matters worse. He had to trust that Sasuke would come to him when he was ready. "Okay, but I'm here for you if you need me." Sasuke looked at him for a moment and Suigetsu hoped he'd say something, but instead the other teen remained silent as he looked back down at his plate. Suigetsu dropped the subject, but the tension remained between the friends as they sat in silence.


Naruto felt as if he were going crazy as he paced back and forth in his dorm, talking to himself. Ever since the incident a week earlier Sasuke had been more distant than ever, which he didn't even think was possible. No one would tell him why Sasuke had basically shut down all forms of communication. He knew that Sasuke and Suigetsu were probably the only two that knew what was going on with Sasuke, well them and that stupid journal he was always writing in.

Naruto paused in his pacing, "I could read the journal. Sasuke wouldn't have to know, I could just put it back and he'd be none the wiser. It would answer all of my questions." Naruto looked to where he knew the journal was hidden. He bit his bottom lip, "No I can't do it, can I?" He was certain that talking to himself was probably the first sign that he was being crazy about the situation, but he had to know what was going on.

He walked over, pulling out the journal. He looked at it, knowing this was something Sasuke would probably guard with his life. He was actually surprised that dark haired teen didn't keep it on him at all times. He started pacing again as he looked at the journal. It would be so simple to open it and see what was inside. "To read it or not to read it, that is the question. If I read it, I'll know everything. But then I invade his privacy. But I would know why he's been so distant, I mean if it were really that much a secret then he'd hide his fucking journal better, right?" He tried to find a reason that would justify the complete invasion of privacy. "If it's serious someone should help him. Damn it this is so confusing," he huffed in frustration.

He figured he had plenty of time because Sasuke was hanging out with Suigetsu for the day and wouldn't be back for a while. The problem was deciding on if it was worth it to know what was inside the journal. Suigetsu had said that Sasuke had a reason he didn't trust people and he wanted to know the reason. Even Naruto knew that reading someone's journal wasn't the right way to find out what they were hiding, no matter how much he tried to justify the action.

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