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Kiba and Naruto sat in the middle of campus talking between classes. Naruto was still trying to figure out what to do about Sasuke and he couldn't talk about that in his room and Shino had kicked them out of Kiba's room so he could study, so they ended up in the middle of campus. "Come on Kiba you have to have better advice than that."

"As I said, why don't you ask Suigetsu? The guy is Sasuke's best friend, he'd know best," Kiba pointed out. He was tired of hearing about the dumbass situation that he'd gotten himself into. "If you had just asked before you read the journal I would have told you not to and we wouldn't even be having this conversation."

Naruto just sighed, "You really don't have any good advice, do you?" He thought about talking to Suigetsu but figured he'd tell Sasuke that he was asking questions and then things would just be worse, if that were possible.

"I'm not a Sasuke expert," Kiba shrugged.

"Yeah, I know," Naruto frowned; knowing his usual go to person could be of no help on this subject. "I'm going to find Sakura."

"You're crazy man," was all he said as Naruto walked away to find their pink haired, Sasuke obsessed friend.


Naruto decided that Kiba was no help whatsoever, so he went to Sakura. She was a good friend and someone who had been there for him, so he hoped she would be of some help. When they were younger he thought he had a crush on her, but that was diminished when they got to their teen years and he realized girls weren't his preference. After that realization they had become friends and she could provide some useful advice when he needed it. "Hey Sakura," he smiled as he walked up to her. Plus, she was obsessed with Sasuke so she might know how to handle the situation.

She looked at him and she could tell the smile was somewhat forced, "What's wrong?" It always amazed him how she seemed to see right through him.

"I did something bad," he said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. He wasn't sure how she'd react, seeing as she'd always had a thing for Sasuke. He kept his distance in case she felt the need to hit him.

"What'd you do?" she asked in disapproval. She was used to cleaning up Naruto's messes, but she hoped once they got to college he would straighten out a bit. Unfortunately it appeared that nothing had changed.

"You see, Sasuke won't talk to me and I'm trying to figure out how to get him to talk to me again," Naruto said, trying not to include that he has a journal. He knew Sakura would try to steal it in a heartbeat. She would give no consideration for the dark haired teen's privacy if it meant that she might get some information to help her win him over.

"Sasuke? What'd you do to Sasuke?" she asked and he suddenly felt as if she was going to turn on him.

"I just pried into his personal life and he doesn't like that much. But I didn't even do anything, he just thinks I did, and he won't listen to me," Naruto tries to explain.

"I should go comfort him," Sakura said, making Naruto regret going to her to advice.

"No you should be giving me advice on Sasuke," Naruto sighed.

"Do you know where he is?" she asked, ignoring her friend. Naruto should have known better than to come to her with a Sasuke problem. She was fine with every other problem, but if it involved Sasuke, she saw it as a way to get closer to him. Her obsession with him was the one thing he found creepy.

"No," Naruto said, hoping that she didn't find him as she hurried off searching for him.


Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now