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Suigetsu and Sasuke were walking through campus after class. "I can't wait until this semester is over," the dark haired teen huffed. He hated the drama and between his odd relationship with Naruto and Orochimaru appearing on campus, his life had felt as if it were one big drama all semester.

"Me too, though I guess you have a better reason than I do," Suigetsu said, causing Sasuke to frown.

"Orochimaru will still find some way to be around next semester, he always does," Sasuke felt as if there was no way to avoid the older man. He knew that he probably shouldn't be so negative, but he couldn't help it because he knew it was true. The snake was everywhere.

"You only have one more week to deal with him," Suigetsu assured him as he looked at his best friend. "He won't be in one of your classes next semester," he reminded him, knowing Sasuke had done extensive research on his professors. "You said it yourself, there is no way for him to guest speak in one of those classes," the light hair teen pointed out.

"That doesn't mean he won't be on campus, we both know he will," Sasuke sighed. Orochimaru's behavior had long become stalker-like and more into what Sasuke worried was dangerous territory. Where he had once only saw him during class, he now saw him on various places throughout campus.

"Then you have to just take this break to focus on finding a way to make it so he doesn't affect you," Suigetsu knew it wasn't that easy. What Orochimaru had done wasn't going to just go away, neither would Sasuke's fear. He knew it wouldn't be fun for Orochimaru if Sasuke weren't affected by what he did.

"That's easier said than done," Sasuke mumbled. He'd been scared of the older man for so long that he wasn't sure how to make it so that he wouldn't affect him. He couldn't help that his body just froze every time that he saw the man.

"You really should make another appointment. I know the last one was interrupted but you know she won't let it happen again. Hell, she'll probably threaten to cut off Naruto's balls if he comes anywhere near her office during your appointment," Suigetsu tried to lighten the mood, but wanted to make sure it was clear that he was serious at the same time.

"I don't know," Sasuke was skeptical that some sessions would do any good. "Maybe it was a sign that I shouldn't," he shrugged, trying to play it off as if he were fine. They both knew he wasn't truly fine. Sasuke had his good days and his bad days, but overall the damage was always there. It would take a lot more than just moving out for him to heal.

"Don't give me that dumb excuse," Suigetsu shook his head. "It was bad timing, that's all. You know your brother would agree with me," the light haired teen argued.

"I know, it's your life mission to gang up with him to torture me," Sasuke huffed. "No need to remind me, I already know you two plot against me."

Suigetsu rolled his eyes, "You're such a drama queen. There is no plot against you. You know we just want what is best for you." He shook his head at Sasuke's childish words. "Besides, we all know you're secretly happy you have us. Don't even try to deny it."

"You live in denial all you want," Sasuke shrugged.

"That's rich coming from you," Suigetsu laughed.

Sasuke glared at him, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Suigetsu gave him a pointed look, "You know exactly what that means. You're smart, I don't need to spell it out for you." Sasuke didn't retort, knowing that he didn't really have a come back. Suigetsu just smirked smugly at Sasuke's lack of response, knowing that he had one the battle for now.


Hinata sat on Ino's bed as they once again talked. She was telling the blonde all about her date and how awkward it was. "It was so weird to be on a date with him, too weird," the girl said sadly. "I wanted to try to give him a chance but it didn't work out. I wish it would have, then we'd at least be something," she frowned. "Now I don't know what we are," she looked down, wishing the whole thing had never happened.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now