.The Shrine.

568 25 35

Recap of Last Chapter: 

They sat down and ordered their ice creams. As they waited they talked about some mystery novels and about books they want to read. They also talked about their supposed dreams. "So you want to be a detective as well." Jimmy said and Y/n nodded. "Hmm...I guess we will see who gets the tittle first." Jimmy smirked as Y/n giggled. "I g-guess so." She said with a smile.

Soon enough their ice creams arrived and they were placed infront of each other. "This is on the house! Enjoy." The owner said with a proud smirk as Jimmy rolled his eyes. Y/n bowed her head thanking the owner. They picked up their spoons and ate their ice cream together. From the owners eyes he could tell that the two of them were going to be great people in the future.

The owner had small visions in his eyes and he smirked, "Manz truly got game." They said watching the two kids eat their Ice cream. "Its really amazing...seeing true love flutter before it has even started."

"They are meant to be."


I slowly opened my eyes, I could feel the warmth of someone next to me. I was a bit cold so I snuggled closer to the warmth. I wasn't wide awake at the moment so I was kind of still in my state of half asleep and half awake. I wrapped my hands around the warmth, I didn't want go away from the warmth. 

Though, that thought soon broke off when I felt the warmth in my hands move around. I slowly open my eyes as I try to adjust to my surroundings. Once my eyes had adjusted I look around a bit until my eyes landed on the person in front of me. 

I look up a bit more and then my eyes widen a bit, I noticed that he was not awake yet. My heart beat rapidly as my cheeks flushed with red. "J-Jimmy..." I thought to myself as I wanted to reach out and comb his hair but I noticed how I had my arms wrapped around him.

"O-Oh! Please don't wake up." I slowly but surely made sure that I let go of his body. As my hands left his warmth, the cold fresh air tickled my skin. I back up scooting all the way to the end of the bed as I sit up.

"I-I should probably go see if a-anyone is awake." I thought outloud as I get up from the bed and onto the wooden floor. My feet felt cold as I touched the ground. I look back over to Jimmy who was still sleeping. I decided to go to my suitcase and then I grabbed some clothing. I grab my outfit before heading to the bathroom.

I lock the door before turning and starting to undress before putting my clothing on. I grabbed the warm black leggings before putting on my white skirt that is kind of like a school skirt but natural. I then put on a light pink long sleeve shirt before putting on my boots. 

I then brush my hair making sure the knots are gone before brushing my teeth. I leave the bathroom soon going out to the bedroom I slept in. I look over to Jimmy who was still sleeping, "He must be tired." I thought to myself frowning a bit before heading over to the nightstand.

There I grabbed the dirty clothing from last night before heading down stairs. I walked until I reached the first floor, I go towards the kitchen area as I look around. "I wonder if someone is awake." I say outloud before walking down the hallway and into the kitchen.

As I walk inside I can get hit with the fresh smell of pancakes and hot chocolate. I smile as I walked inside, I notice that the only one inside is Sakura. "Good morning, Sakura-san!" I exclaim a bit as she turns to me surprised. 

"Oh! F/n-chan. Good Morning, How are you today?" She asked politely as I giggled. "I'm doing g-great! Do you know where t-the laundry room is?" I ask as she nods before giving me a sign to follow her. 

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