.I promise.

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Recap of The Last Chapter: 

"I asked someone where to find the address to my home, they helped me get there and when I arrived. My home was still there, I got in my husband never changed the security password, and when I got to the front door. The guards showed up, they yelled at me to leave but I fought back."

"It didn't end well, I was injured but the only thing I asked for was my daughter. The guards then seemed to recognize me but all they did was smirk. All they did was stare me down and laugh. The thing that hurt me and broke me was, 'Your daughter? Oh, she's long gone' Those words stuck with me until this day. I never returned to that house, the house I called my home." She was already crying, I was teary as well...I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I came back to my cabin, I stayed here and never left the forest since. That was until you saw me, I was close to leaving because I would try once more to go back to that house and demand my daughter. I got scared when you saw me, I saw the look of my daughter's face on you so I ran. That is until now, you aren't her. And I'm glad I can finally talk to someone about my feelings." She finished as I let my tears fall, I was broken as well...but mostly anger.

"If I may ask...What was your daughter's name?" I asked her as she looked down at her hands and held them before looking up at me and smiling with tears.

"Her name was Chiyo."


Kuma-san and I talked for a bit more, we talked about her life and her lovely adventures. She gave me a free lesson on how to survive out in the wild. We didn't go outside but she taught me inside, as I looked out the window. I noticed that it was getting close to sundown. I look towards the kitchen noticing Kuma-san making a dish. 

At first, I was scared to be here but now all I want to do is stay here. It's comforting and Kuma-san is great entertainment. I didn't notice it was this late until now, I really like it here. "Maybe I should come back soon." I thought to myself as I moved from the couch to the kitchen.

"F/n-chan, Dinner is ready. Would you like some before returning home?" Kuma asked as I reached the kitchen. I smiled, "I would love to eat dinner with you." Kuma nodded as she grabbed a bowl from the side and started filling it up with soup.

"Come, we can eat in the dining room." Kuma turned to me motioning to the side as she turned behind her walking into a hallway. I followed close behind her so I don't get lost. As we approached the dining area, I notice pictures on the walls. 

The pictures looked a bit dirty but overall in a good state. I stopped by one that looked like a wallet picture. I studied it as I noticed it, it was Kuma-san, a child which I assume is Chiyo and a tall man. The man wore shades with a black suit, he seemed to smile as he held Chiyo in his arms. 

Kuma-san was wearing a casual white long skirt that goes above her feet, light-brown short sleeve short with a white flower crown. She also wore flats, and she was smiling as well. Chiyo wore jean-overalls, a pink shirt, and white tennis shoes with socks. Her hair was wavy but it was a light-brown color. She also had small but noticeable freckles around her cheeks. 

Chiyo was smiling brightly as her dad smiled, Kuma-san was also smiling. They looked happy, "It was a wonderful day." I got surprised as I noticed Kuma next to me, she was also looking at the picture. Kuma looked a bit sad but also happy at the same time, she blinked before looking at me. "Come on, We don't want the soup to be cold." 

We walked together to the dining room before she leads me to my seat. I sat down thanking her as she sat down across from me. We look at the food before I put my hands together and close my eyes. "Thank you for the food!" I said as I open my eyes and I grab a spoon before beginning to eat.

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